Программа обучения Physics

Программа обучения "Physics" в Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


The Faculty of Physics at LMU Munich offers a four-semester Master of Science degree program in Physics. Studies can be started both in the winter and summer semester. This Master's program is divided into two blocks: In the first and second semesters the Master's students attend courses in advanced physics and in the Faculty's research specialization areas. The third and fourth semesters are devoted to the one-year Master's thesis.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Physics"

  • Уровень: Магистратура
  • Диплом: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: Английский
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
    Летний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 4 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 120 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 152.30 / семестр
  • Правила приема: Без конкурса

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Physics"

Graduates of the Master of Science degree program in Physics have attained a degree of knowledge in modern physics at the highest international level. Because of the broad range of the program they will be able to apply their training to other areas and research topics in their subsequent careers. The Master's degree in Physics enables graduates to work independently as physicists in research and university teaching, as well as in manufacturing and service industries. Their future jobs will be concentrated in fundamental physical research, applied research and development (e.g. natural-science, technology, IT and medicine), as well as in modern administration and service businesses.

Ожидаемые результаты программы обучения "Physics"

The primary goals of the Master's program in Physics are to impart expertise in current research topics on the basis of a deeper knowledge of the fundamentals of physics. Research methods, strategic planning, and critical evaluation of scientific findings, acting autonomously as well as career-relevant qualifications are central. During the two-year course of study, the ability to proceed methodically in both theoretical and practical physics is developed. Building on the knowledge gained during the first two semesters, these abilities will be strengthened during the one-year-long research phase of the third and fourth semesters.

Учебный план программы обучения "Physics"

Advanced Experimental Physics module

In Advanced Experimental Physics, you need to attend one of the following lectures:

  • Advanced Particle Physics,
  • Advanced Solid State Physics

Each of these lectures is offered at least every second semester. They are listed in the course catalogue as Pflichtvorlesungen.

If you choose to attend both lectures, the one that is not credited to the Advanced Experimental Physics module can be credited as elective course on request.

Advanced experimental lectures will be given in English.

Advanced Theoretical Physics module

In Advanced Theoretical Physics, you need to attend one of the following lectures:

  • Advanced Statistical Physics,
  • Quantum Mechanics II.

Each of these lectures is offered at least every second semester. They are listed in the course catalogue as Pflichtvorlesungen.

If you choose to attend both lectures, the one that is not credited to the Advanced Theoretical Physics module can be credited as elective course on request.

Advanced theoretical lectures will be given in English.

The elective courses need to be chosen from the Faculty's research specialization areas. The lecture titles are listed in the course catalogue.

The Faculty's research specializations are:

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics, Cosmology
  • Molecular Biophysics, Statistical Physics
  • Solid State Physics, Nanophysics
  • High- and Medium-Energy Physics, Mathematical Physics
  • Laser Optics und Quantum Optics
  • Meteorology, Atmospheric Physics
  • Medical Physics

Within their elective courses, students may choose to concentrate on a particular field, for example in Biophysics, Medical Physics, Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics. For more details, see specialization.

Nearly all the elective lectures will be given in English. Some of the courses may be offered in German but the Master programm can be done completely in English. Usually, German courses will be given in English upon request. Please contact the corresponding professor for more specific informations.

Within their elective courses, students may choose to concentrate on a particular field, for example: Biophysics, Medical Physics, Astrophysics, Atmospheric Physics

  • Учебный план / модули: https://www.uni-muenchen.de/aktuelles/amtl_voe/0400/419-17ph-ma-09-ps00.pdf
  • Факультет

    Faculty of Physics
    Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

    The spectrum of research and education at the Faculty of Physics

    Physics is the foundation of all the sciences, including medicine. It explores the laws of the physical world, in all their complexity and diversity, from the unimaginably tiny scale of elementary particles to the immense scale of the universe, in order to quantify them through experimentation, base them in theory and derive possible applications.

    The concrete subjects that physics deals with experimentally and theoretically change over time because it is only after researchers have established the experimental and theoretical fundamentals that they can tackle specific problems in a satisfactory way. This dynamic aspect guarantees that physics remains a constantly evolving science capable of unlocking ever more complex natural processes with the latest methods. The constant revision of experimental and theoretical methods in physics means that more and more areas of the natural world are made accessible to scientific exploration – areas beyond the limits of traditional physics. To an ever greater degree, we are able to explain fundamental physical mechanisms that adjacent sciences such as chemistry, biology and medicine have only been able to describe phenomenologically.

    Thus, in a unique way physics plays a central role as a bridge between the sciences. For this reason the Faculty of Physics at LMU Munich has very deliberately made it its aim to explore the physical foundations of the processes of science. With this orientation, physics at LMU Munich takes a complementary position among other institutions that foreground the applications side or technical usability.

    The Faculty of Physics focuses its research around the following core fields:

    • Astronomy and astrophysics, cosmology
    • Molecular biophysics, statistical physics
    • Solid state physics, nanophysics
    • Elementary Particle Physics
    • Mathematical Physics
    • Laser physics and quantum optics
    • Meteorology
    • Medical Physics
    • Physics education

    Studying physics also means encountering many technologies now that will not come into general use for many years. In this way, physics education is essential for equipping young people not only to find their way in today's information and knowledge society but also to actively shape its development for years to come. Information technology is evolving at a breathtaking pace, putting highly qualified workers in strong demand. Familiar as they are with all its fundamentals, physicists enjoy excellent career opportunities; however, as the private sector constantly bemoans, there are not enough young physicists in the pipeline. Helping to further careers and also groom more physicists is another educational aspect we offer: the subject- and instruction-based certification of physics teachers for all levels of schools.

    At the Faculty of Physics, tomorrow's physicists and meteorologists are being trained today. Our scientifically grounded education unifies research and instruction. And the Faculty of Physics carries out instructor evaluations every semester to assure quality control.

    At undergraduate level, the Faculty of Physics offers students the choice between a bachelor's degree in physics and a bachelor's degree in physics plus a minor. Our graduate programs include master's degrees in physics, astrophysics and meteorology, as well as an elite master course in theoretical and mathematical physics. We also offer PhD degree programs in physics, astronomy and meteorology, which lead to the degree Dr. rer. nat.

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