Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces

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Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)

Leuphana University of Lüneburg

The Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces is com­po­sed of se­ven most­ly in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry in­sti­tu­tes com­pri­sing di­sci­pli­nes like phi­lo­so­py, his­to­ry, li­te­ra­tu­re, me­dia sci­ence and mu­si­co­lo­gy, art his­to­ry, buil­ding cul­tu­re, cul­tu­ral geo­gra­phy, so­cio­lo­gy, in­for­ma­ti­on sys­tems, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sci­en­ces, and po­li­ti­cal sci­ence. The Fa­cul­ty also ac­comm­mo­da­tes the Cul­tu­ral Re­se­arch in­itia­ti­ve, which is one of the four re­se­arch fo­cus are­as of Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty. At pre­sent, Fa­cul­ty mem­bers and about 25 pro­fes­sors are teaching at Leu­pha­na Col­le­ge and Gra­dua­te School in the stu­dy pro­grams in cul­tu­ral sci­en­ces and po­li­ti­cal sci­ence.

More details about Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces:

The Cul­tu­ral Re­se­arch Sci­ence In­itia­ti­ve looks at the his­to­ri­cal and cul­tu­ral foun­da­ti­ons, prac­tices and va­lues of ci­vil so­cie­ty in the 21st cen­tu­ry. From the hu­ma­nities and so­ci­al sci­en­ces per­spec­tive, this in­itia­ti­ve com­bi­nes two fo­cal are­as of ap­p­li­ca­ti­on-ori­en­ted re­se­arch (art & vi­su­al cul­tu­re, me­dia cul­tu­re & com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on) with a strong core area of in­te­gra­ti­ve re­se­arch. About 25 pro­fes­sors from the fiel­ds of art, me­dia, phi­lo­so­phy, his­to­ry, li­te­ra­tu­re, so­cio­lo­gy, po­li­tics, in­for­ma­ti­on sys­tems, and geo­gra­phy/​spa­ti­al sci­en­ces are cur­rent­ly in­vol­ved in this in­itia­ti­ve.

Contacts Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces:

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* The consultation is conducted by a StudyInFocus specialist