Faculty 2 – Engineering Sciences – Technology and Life University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics (HTW Berlin)
Fachbereich 2 - Ingenieurwissenschaften - Technik und Leben (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin)
University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics (HTW Berlin)
Faculty 2: Engineering - Technology and Life, as the largest engineering faculty at HTW Berlin, offers future-oriented courses in engineering and computer science with a high level of practical relevance.
We attach great importance to the quality of teaching and networking in our department. In doing so, we follow the ideas of research-based teaching and teaching research. All members of the department are given the freedom to work independently and with colleagues. The high level of application in connection with our national and international university and practice partners give us valuable impulses for teaching and research. This enables us to impart practical skills and knowledge based on the latest scientific standards. We are thus making a contribution to innovation, growth and sustainability in the Berlin capital region
More details about Faculty 2 - Engineering Sciences - Technology and Life:
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Contacts Faculty 2 - Engineering Sciences - Technology and Life:
Wilhelminenhofstraße 75a, 12459 Berlin, GermanyAdditional Information:
Type: Faculty