Faculty Business Administration and Economics Hochschule Niederrhein
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Hochschule Niederrhein (Krefeld/Mönchengladbach))
We are located in Moenchengladbach, which is also called the green city on the Lower Rhine. With about 3,200 students the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is the largest faculty at Niederrhein University.
45 professors, one senior teacher and 5 teachers for special tasks are currently staff members of our faculty. Above that, more than 60 contract lecturers from business and industry are deployed in teaching.
In addition, the faculty employs 14 scientific and non-scientific staff, and at the research centres there are 15 people plus two doctoral candidates engaged.
We offer application-oriented fulltime and extra-occupational study programs on the basis of both topical scientific findings and requirements relevant to business. We value and focus on activity-oriented teaching and project work in collaboration with the business sector and thus ensure a practice-oriented university education. Moreover, we also offer a constant exchange to our students and lecturers through national and international co-operations.
More details about Faculty Business Administration and Economics:
The Faculty Business Administration and Economics sees itself as an innovative and practice-oriented teaching and research unit within the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences. The self-image of the department is characterized by a consistent customer orientation. According to this, students as well as companies and organizations are customers for whom the department provides knowledge services. The focus of the Faculty Business Administration and Economics is the work for and with the students.
The Faculty Business Administration and Economics aligns study and teaching to a society and working world in constant change. The work of the department reflects this in applied research and teaching.
The continuous development of the faculty's courses is a matter of course.
Ensuring and continuously improving the quality of teaching and research is our most important goal. The department integrates the results of research and teaching into its work.
Graduates and the members of the department present our performance, competence and social responsibility.
The Faculty Business Administration and Economics attaches great importance to student supervision and maintains contact with the graduates. The students should like to study at the Department of Economics, identify with the department and feel comfortable on campus.
The department advocates equal opportunities for women and men in order to bring out the existing qualification potential of women more than before.
The Faculty Business Administration and Economics advocates working conditions under which the potential in teaching and research can be optimally exploited and developed.
By consistently orienting our work to the guiding principle, the attractiveness and competitiveness of the business administration department is continuously strengthened and the positive representation in the regional environment is ensured.
Communication within the university and to the outside world is characterized by transparency, openness and participation.
A critical discourse is an elementary part of this self-image. This is why the mission statement is being supplemented and renewed in an ongoing process through further discussions.
Research activity:
Contacts Faculty Business Administration and Economics:
Webschulstraße 41-43, 41065 Mönchengladbach, GermanyContacts:
Phone: +49 (0)2161 186-6387
Email: sekretariat-08@hs-niederrhein.de
Web: https://www.hs-niederrhein.de/wirtschaftswissenschaften/Additional Information:
Type: Faculty