Faculty III: History, Political Science, Art History, Classical Archeology, Egyptology, Papyrology Trier University
Fachbereich III: Geschichte, Politikwissenschaft, Kunstgeschichte, Klassische Archäologie, Ägyptologie, Papyrologie (Universität Trier)
When teaching began in the 1970/71 winter semester, the core of Faculty III comprised the subjects of history, sociology, political science and geography with twelve professors and four academic staff. In the early years, the range of subjects, as was the case with the then part of the University of Trier, was tailored to the teaching degree programs. The great demand for teachers in the first half of the 1970s caused the number of students in Faculty III to rise sharply: from 66 students in the 1970/71 winter semester to 803 ten years later.
More details about Faculty III: History, Political Science, Art History, Classical Archeology, Egyptology, Papyrology:
By the mid-1970s, Faculty III was expanded to include subjects as diverse as Economics and Classical Archeology, until it was decided in the 1975 summer semester to separate economics and sociology and to create a new Faculty IV.
In the second half of the seventies there was an increase in personnel for modern and modern history as well as an expansion in the area of ancient studies through Egyptology and papyrology, which with ancient history and classical archeology their research activities in the research center "Greco-Roman Egypt "bundle.
Since the beginning of the eighties, the number of students has increasingly shifted towards the master's and diploma courses. The department gained a significant increase in attractiveness through the subject of art history, which began studying in the 1979/80 winter semester.
The gradual introduction of the applied physical geography and applied geography / tourism geography diploma courses since 1978, which tripled the number of students, resulted in the addition of the geoscientific disciplines of inorganic and analytical chemistry, soil science, geology, geobotany, cartography and hydrology. The increasing differentiation of the geography / geosciences department with a strong natural science character made the formation of a new department VI appear necessary, which was carried out in the 1989/90 winter semester.
Between 1987 and the end of 2002, the special research area 235 "Between Meuse and Rhine", which was largely initiated by historians and examined the relationships and conflicts in this core European area from late antiquity to the 19th century, contributed to the profile of the department.
The development of forms of dealing with strangers and the poor in different societies from antiquity to the 20th century is the research area of the SFB 600 "Strangeness and Poverty", which opened in 2002. Change in forms of inclusion and exclusion from antiquity to the present ", in which art historians, sociologists and legal historians are involved in addition to historians.
The interdisciplinary center for East Asia-Pacific Studies, which is supported by the Political Scientists of Department III, has been developing its research activities since 1995.
Research into the cultural constructions of gender is coordinated by the "Center for Indian Disciplinary and Intercultural Gender Studies". The DFG graduate college "Identity and Difference" offers young researchers the opportunity to work on the methodological development of the approach to women's and gender history. The attractiveness of the courses and the good study conditions are proof of the excellent placements of the subjects history and political science in the rankings of SPIEGEL and STERN (last April 2002). In the winter semester 2002/2003, FB III with the subjects history, political science, art history, classical archeology, Egyptology and papyrology comprises 21 professorships, around 70 academic staff (including research projects) and around 1300 students.
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