Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Goethe University Frankfurt
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
At Goethe University’s Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, more than 60 professors, assistant professors and senior professors are currently researching and teaching. Our 5,000 students benefit from our numerous collaborative partnerships with business and industry that enrich the range of lectures and seminars on offer.
More details about Faculty of Economics and Business Administration:
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Goethe University owes its existence and identity to the link forged between business and academia. In 1901, the Academy for Social Science and Commerce was established by Wilhelm Merton, founder of the renowned German industrial organization Metallgesellschaft, as the commercial college for the city of Frankfurt. This college, the first faculty for economics and business administration of its kind in Germany, formed the nucleus of the Goethe University, established in 1914 by the citizens of Frankfurt. It was during this time that those features characteristic of the study of economics in Frankfurt emerged: a focus on theoretical analysis, the close connection between the disciplines of economics and business administration and the open approach towards a broad spectrum of theoretical, practical and policy-oriented issues.
Today, the faculty is considered one of the most attractive economics and business administration faculties in Germany. This view is shared not only by the more than 5000 students enrolled, but also by the numerous national and international companies that regularly recruit our graduates. It was here that Ludwig Erhard wrote his doctorate, Erich Gutenberg lectured and Reinhard Selten, Germany's first Nobel Laureate in Economics, received his certificate of Habilitation.
Research activity:
Contacts Faculty of Economics and Business Administration:
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4, 60323 Frankfurt am Main, GermanyContacts:
Phone: +49 (0)69/798-7749
Fax: +49 (0)69/798-35000
Web: https://www.wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de/startseite.html
Post Address: 60629 Frankfurt am MainAdditional Information:
Type: Faculty