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Faculty of Humanities University of Cologne

Humanwissenschaftliche Fakultät (Universität zu Köln)

University of Cologne

The faculty is divided into four departments: Educational and Social Sciences, Psychology, Curative Education and Rehabilitation, and Art/Textiles and Music, with a total of five institutes and two departments. The element that unites the researchers in terms of content is the human being in his or her various contexts. Questions relating to education and upbringing, to human development and behaviour and their embedding in social contexts form the central framework for the manifold contents of research and teaching.

More details about Faculty of Humanities:

The main areas of work of the Department "Educational and Social Sciences“ include educational philosophy and educational anthropology, the education of the life span (Frühe childhood, school age, adult and senior education), international comparative, historical and intercultural educational research, sociology of education and culture, economics of education and political education as well as general didactics and school pedagogy of teaching, media pedagogy and school research.

The Department of Psychology has a research and teaching profile in the fields of educational and teaching research, social cognitive and cognitive sciences, media and communication psychology, and clinical psychology.

The content brackets of the Heilpädagogik und Rehabilitation department are development, education and training, promotion and rehabilitation of people with specific promotion needs. In research and teaching, the focus is on the entire life span of people with disabilities, in addition to the school-based promotion of children with specific educational needs.

The focus of the art/textile and music section is on teacher training. Here the teachers of art, textile design and music are represented in research and teaching. The focus is on questions of art theory and aesthetics, cultural theory, cultural history and intercultural studies and the teaching of special education. In the field of music, intercultural music learning, music ethnological urban research, musical folklore and teaching research form important domains. In all three subjects, practical studies are offered in addition to the scientific orientation.
Teaching at the Faculty of Human Sciences is conceived on the basis of research contexts and geared to the different practical fields of the degree programmes. Intensive networking exists with the relevant fields of practice and application in order to ensure that theory and practice are taught in the application-oriented study programmes. At the same time, the faculty endeavors to provide students with research interests and ideas that arise during their studies in order to realize them not only during their doctoral studies but also during their undergraduate studies. One focus of the faculty is teacher training. At the Faculty of Human Sciences, the educational science part of all teaching degree programmes at the university is taught - with the exception of the teaching position for teachers;The students are also studying for the vocational college, the social science and artistic teachers of primary, secondary and secondary schools and the teacher of special education. A further focus is offered by the more research-oriented Bachelor's and Master's programmes in Education, Social Sciences, Psychology and Rehabilitation Sciences, in replacement for the diploma programmes.

Contacts Faculty of Humanities:

  • Address:
    Gronewaldstraße 2, 50931 Köln, Germany
  • Contacts:

    Phone: +49 221-470-5777
    Fax: +49 221-470-5073
    Email: [email protected]
    Web: http://www.hf.uni-koeln.de/
    Post Address: Gronewaldstraße 2, 50931 Köln, Germany

  • Additional Information:
    Type: Faculty

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