Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

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Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences University of Cologne

Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät (Universität zu Köln)

University of Cologne

Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences has almost a century of experience in the education of new generations of business professionals, economists, social analysts and political experts. During this time we have developed a tradition of close dialogue with our stakeholders and a focus on research that is relevant to the corporate world, to economic policy and to society at large. Today as in the past, our faculty is committed to further cultivating the unity of research and teaching which enables us both to deliver insights and to educate people, and in so doing to enrich business practice and broaden societal alternatives at home and internationally.

More details about Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences:

Innovation for Society

Our School has over a century of experience in the education of new generations of business professionals, economists, social analysts and political experts. During this time we have developed a tradition of close dialogue with our stakeholders and a focus on research that is relevant to the corporate world, to economic policy and to society at large. Today as in the past, our faculty is committed to further cultivating the unity of research and teaching which enables us both to deliver insights and to educate people, and in so doing to enrich business practice and broaden societal alternatives at home and internationally.


The School's core values are integrity, respect for others, teamwork, the maintenance of a critical outlook, commitment to high quality, passion, and a spirit of innovation.


Within its fields of research, the School will be an internationally-renowned player with top rankings in the German-speaking community. It shall:

  • Generate a rich and consistent flow of high-quality, relevant research contributions to top international journals having an impact on the research agenda of the international scientific community.
  • Contribute visible innovations for the city, the region and international business on a consistent basis.
  • Deliver study programmes that offer students a deep understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of the disciplines; that foster their individual intellectual development by incorporating intensive interaction with faculty and confronting them with the most challenging up-to-date questions in science and practice; and that allow them to network with other top students and the most desirable employers.
  • Produce graduates who bring their employers advanced knowledge and well-developed problem solving capabilities, and who are prepared for independent life-long learning.

Contacts Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences:

  • Address:
    Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, Universitätsstraße 24, 50931 Köln, Germany
  • Contacts:

    Phone: +49 (0) 221 - 470 8818
    Email: [email protected]
    Web: http://www.wiso.uni-koeln.de/
    Post Address: Dekanat der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Köln, Germany

  • Additional Information:
    Type: Faculty

Address on map:

Highschool Application Consultation:

* The consultation is conducted by a StudyInFocus specialist