Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik (Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich)
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
The Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics is the roof over three related disciplines, each anchored in their own departments.
The profile of the faculty is characterized by nationally and internationally recognized basic research.
More details about Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics:
At the same time, mathematics, computer science and statistics are cross-sectional disciplines whose methods are widely used in research in other natural, human and social science subjects. This intensive cooperation results in new questions in research up to new research directions (bioinformatics, financial mathematics, biostatistics).
Research and teaching can be seen as a unit in a special way, in which theoretical and application-oriented concepts complement each other. In particular, the subjects open up excellent career prospects for their graduates in all courses.
Mathematical Institute
At the Mathematical Institute, research is carried out in many key areas of mathematics. There are many references to physics, computer science and economics. Various bachelor, master, diploma and teacher training courses are offered.
Institute for Computer Science
The Institute for Computer Science conducts research with a focus on mobile computing and IT management, database systems and data mining, semantic web, software engineering, logic and formal methods as well as bio and media informatics. It is characterized by its interdisciplinary networking with numerous partners in the intellectual, legal. Economics, social and natural sciences. The institute oversees the courses in computer science, bioinformatics, media informatics and computer science teacher training, and trains students from almost all faculties as a minor in the basics of information technology.
Institute for Statistics
We are responsible for all aspects of statistical data analysis in research and teaching. We offer modern bachelor's and master's degrees for major students at one of Germany's leading statistical locations. We also offer a number of service events as a minor for students from other fields of study. Our core competence in research is the development and application of statistical methods in the life, social and economic sciences. Research at the highest international level is based on the interaction between application and methodological innovation in cooperation with partners inside and outside the university. The transfer of knowledge to society through the statistical advisory laboratory is also a focus.
Contacts Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistik, Theresienstraße 39/I, D-80333 München, GermanyContacts:
Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 4503
Fax: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 994503
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.mathematik-informatik-statistik.uni-muenchen.de/Additional Information:
Type: Faculty