Faculty of Media Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Media (Hochschule Darmstadt)
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
The Faculty of Media brings together all of its courses on the media campus of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, which deal with media, information, journalism, marketing and public relations in online communication in an interdisciplinary manner. By studying on the media campus, students can qualify for a wide variety of professions within the media sector. Training courses include information managers for libraries and companies, online journalists, PR specialists, specialists in online marketing, social media managers, media trainers, game developers, specialists in animation, interaction and interface designers, filmmakers and sound experts. Bachelor and master level courses are offered.
More details about Faculty of Media:
The Faculty of Media is linked to the media industry in a variety of ways. This can be seen, among other things, in semester projects, in theses and by advising institutions and companies. Research and development projects are carried out at the Institute for Communication and Media (ikum), among others. Students can also work here and gain research experience under supervision.
Research activity:
Contacts Faculty of Media:
Max-Planck-Straße 2, 64807 Dieburg, GermanyContacts:
Phone: +49.6151.16-39412
Web: https://www.h-da.de/hochschule/fachbereiche/media/Additional Information:
Type: Faculty