Faculty of Medicine (Faculty 11) Justus Liebig University Giessen
FB 11 - Medizin (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
Justus Liebig University Giessen
The medical department is responsible for teaching and research, i.e. for the university's core tasks. The department is headed by the Dean's Office. Health care is the task of the university hospital, and its own website provides information about this.
Medicine was one of the four founding faculties of the former Academia Ludoviciana. The faculty seal from 1607 shows a winged dragon with a bird's head and a lizard's tail as heraldic animal, according to the understanding of the Greek term for Asclepius' snake at the time. An hourglass embodies vigilance; the Greek “NAEPHE” demands: “Be critical!” - a constantly updated warning to the good, responsible doctor and scientist, which is taken seriously at the JLU.
More details about Faculty of Medicine (Faculty 11):
Research activity:
Contacts Faculty of Medicine (Faculty 11):
Klinikstraße 29, 35392 Gießen, GermanyContacts:
Email: dekanat@dekmed.jlug.de
Web: http://www.uni-giessen.de/fbz/fb11Additional Information:
Type: Faculty