Faculty of Social Sciences Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Ludwig Maximilians Universität Munich)
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
The faculty consists of three institutes, the Geschwister-Scholl Institute for Political Science, the Institute for Sociology and the Institute for Communication Science and Media Research. All three institutes represent their subjects at a high level and enjoy a high reputation in the German and international university landscape. In terms of the number of lecturers, we are a comparatively small faculty: 25 professors and around 150 employees work at the three institutes. The student numbers are around 2500 major and 1500 minor students.
More details about Faculty of Social Sciences:
Contacts Faculty of Social Sciences:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 (Zimmer A 114), 80539 München, GermanyContacts:
Phone: +49 89 2180-3645, -5363
Fax: +49 89 2180-6334
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.sozialwissenschaften.uni-muenchen.de/index.htmlAdditional Information:
Type: Faculty