Faculty VI Planning Building Environment Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät VI Planen Bauen Umwelt (Technische Universität Berlin)
Faculty VI offers an outstanding and internationally only in this form existing profile of planning, space and building related sciences. Here, professors from architecture, civil engineering, urban and regional planning, landscape architecture and environmental planning, geoengineering, social science, geodesy and ecology research and teach.
More details about Faculty VI Planning Building Environment:
The architecture at the TU Berlin sees itself as having a special responsibility for the future structural design of the environment. This concerns both the design and cultural mission of architecture and the ecological. The massive consumption of resources through building and its consequences for the environment are also in the focus. Other focal points in teaching, research and further education are: building construction, climate-friendly and resource-efficient construction, urban redevelopment, historic preservation and building research. Urban development, metropolitan research, housing as well as location and project development, urban and regional economics as well as real estate management are handled in close cooperation with the planning sciences.
The Institute for Urban and Regional Planning is one of the most important planner schools in Germany. It makes intensive use of the fact that Berlin is the central location in Germany for planning research and consulting. The profile of the Urban and Regional Planning degree program includes, among other things, the particular importance of project study.
Urban ecology as an independent research direction has its origin at the TU Berlin. The Institute of Ecology covers a broad spectrum of biotic (plant, animal) and abiotic (soil, water, climate) components of the natural balance in terrestrial and aquatic areas. Disciplinary breadth and networking with planning sciences, engineering sciences and resource-oriented subject areas are special features of the institute.
The activities of the Institute for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning focus on the design, organization and environmentally friendly planning of open space and landscape. Strategies of contemporary open space planning and future landscape development play a role here, as do the management of climate change and the energy transition. With regard to sustainable development, social and economic aspects are also conveyed. Satellite data and geographic information systems support these research directions.
The Institute of Sociology offers close links with individual technical sciences at the TU Berlin and is also linked to the "Center for Technology and Society" in innovation and mobility research. New territory was entered with the only German study course in sociology of technology.
In a unique way, the Institute of Civil Engineering has introduced cross-material design and engineering as a focus of teaching and research. The specialist areas for design and construction, solid construction, metal and lightweight construction and composite structures cover the spectrum. Building informatics, building diagnostics, building and soil dynamics as well as the development and financing of infrastructures of agglomerations form further teaching and research priorities. The institute also faces new challenges such as the establishment of offshore wind farms.
In the Applied Geosciences, the scope of tasks in the sense of sustainable geo resource management ranges from the exploration, evaluation, use and protection of these resources through the investigation and use of the above-ground and underground space to material and environmental research. Geodesy and geoinformation technology utilizes state-of-the-art satellite-based analysis methods in earth system and planetary research, precision navigation and location, and the creation of unified Spatial Reference Systems for Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
The internationalization of teaching is being promoted by a growing share of English-language offers and double degrees. These include Germany's unique Masters in Urban Design, Geodesy and Geoinformation Sciences, Urban Ecology Sciences and Environmental Planning.
In the area of university continuing education, Faculty VI has established itself with the study programs "Historic Preservation", "Stage Design", "Real Estate Management" and "Urban Management".
Contacts Faculty VI Planning Building Environment:
Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät VI, Sekr. A 1, Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin, GermanyContacts:
Phone: +49 30 314 21814
Web: http://www.planen-bauen-umwelt.tu-berlin.de/menue/fakultaet_vi/Additional Information:
Type: Faculty