Human Sciences and Education University of Bamberg
Fakultät Humanwissenschaften (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg)
The Human Sciences faculty is the third largest at the University of Bamberg.
It is home to the fields of Education, Psychology and other subjects within the framework of Teacher Training.
More details about Human Sciences and Education:
The Institute of Educational Science is dedicated to theory and empirical research in the fields of learning, teaching and socialization in different life stages, and also in scholastic and extracurricular fields. Some examples of these are school, youth services, family, child daycare, institutions of adult education and vocational further education. In all of these fields, educational processes spanning the entire course of life are themes of central importance.
The Institute of Psychology examines human experience, behaviour and action. Psychology at the University of Bamberg is run as an empirical and theoretical science. Therefore, aside from a foundational psychological curriculum (development, thought, motivation, the mind, social influence, personality, mental illness, various applications), focus is placed on research methods pertaining to conducting experiments, psychodiagnostics, systematic observation and statistics.
The Institute of Research and Development of Subject-Based Education (EE-feU) is dedicated primarily to providing students in teacher training programmes with academically-founded instruction in the major subjects of Art and Music and didactic principles of teaching Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics and Physical Education. Additionally, combination degree programmes (bachelor’s and master’s) are also offered.
Within the faculty, theoretical and empirical approaches are of equal, reciprocal importance. With the recent addition of empirical educational research, the faculty has gained yet another substantial mark of a distinguished academic profile. Here, the particular strength lies in interdisciplinarity. This means that students are afforded an exceptional variety in terms of curricula and degree programmes offered.
Research activity:
Contacts Human Sciences and Education:
Markusplatz 3, Raum 114 96047 Bamberg, GermanyContacts:
Phone: +49 0951 863-1801
Fax: +49 0951 863-4801
Email: [email protected]
Web: Information:
Type: Faculty