Focus course G/S
В Нижнесаксонская Штудиенколлег ГанновераТип: G-Kurs S-Kurs Все курсы штудиенколлег
Focus course G/S
В Нижнесаксонская Штудиенколлег Ганновера
Focus course G/S for humanities and linguistics courses
Подробнее о курсе
The lessons in the core courses prepare you for the assessment test. The courses are divided into the subject areas of technology, medicine, economics*, social sciences and language*, depending on the desired course of study.
Successful completion of the G course entitles you to study humanities or German studies. Applicants for the S course also attend the G course.
Examples of disciplines:
German, history, art, music, literature and others
After you have applied to a university in Lower Saxony and passed the entrance test, you will begin your specialization courses.
The training at the Niedersächsisches Studienkolleg usually lasts one year (2 semesters). A semester can only be repeated once. Colleagues with very good performance in the 1st semester can be admitted early to the 2nd semester or to an accelerated course. This saves you a semester. At the end of the college training, the aptitude test (Feststellungsprüfung) takes place.
At the Niedersächsisches Studienkolleg, English is taught at two levels: B1 and B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference GER. The assignment to the course levels takes place after the admission test with the help of an internal placement test at the beginning of the subsemester. The course participation at the respective level at the end of the course and after successful participation is listed on the final certificates of the assessment test. In principle, we expect a minimum language level of B1, i.e. an advanced beginner's level, for admission to the preparatory college. If you do not yet have English skills at least at level B1, we strongly recommend that you acquire the appropriate English skills beforehand.
Начать обучение на этом курсе можно два раза в год - на летний и на зимний семестр.
Период обучения составляет 2 семестров
Учебный план
Teaching subjects per week:
- 10 hours of German
- 4 hours of English
- 6 hours of German literature
- 6 hours of history
- 6 hours of social studies/geography
Для поступления на Focus course G/S в Нижнесаксонская Штудиенколлег Ганновера необходимо направить заявку и комплект документов в uni-assist.
Минимальный уровень требуемого сертификата немецкого языка - B1.
Для зачисления на учебу на Focus course G/S в Нижнесаксонская Штудиенколлег Ганновера необходимо успешно сдать вступительные экзамены.
Вступительные экзамены на Focus course G/S в Нижнесаксонская Штудиенколлег Ганновера
Для поступления на этот курс необходимо сдать следующие экзамены:
- Немецкий
Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahmeprüfung) на Focus course G/S в Нижнесаксонская Штудиенколлег Ганновера: на зимний семестр - 31.08
Подробнее о вступительных экзаменах на Focus course G/S в Нижнесаксонская Штудиенколлег Ганновера
Humanities test
for the core courses G and S
- History: important dates on events in world history, recent German history (especially the 20th century)
- Politics/social studies: definitions of basic terms (e.g. democracy), political and social structure of the FRG
In preparation, we recommend the website of the Federal Agency for Civic Education and overviews (e.g. middle and high school textbooks).
Примеры вступительных экзаменов на Focus course G/S в Нижнесаксонская Штудиенколлег Ганновера
Выпускные экзамены
Выпускные экзамены FSP проводятся непосредственно в школе по окончании этого курса.
Выпускные экзамены включают, в том числе:
- Немецкий
- Английский
As a rule, students attend the preparatory college for two semesters. After the successful completion of the lower and upper semester, the assessment test (FSP) takes place.
Under certain conditions, it is also possible to take the FSP exam without attending the preparatory college. Please discuss with the head of the college whether this is possible and sensible in your case.
The assessment test takes place twice in the academic year - in spring and autumn. The exact time of the examination will be announced by the admitting universities in Lower Saxony and can be found in the schedule of the preparatory colleges.
Written exams
The duration of the written exam is 4 hours in German and 3 hours in the other subjects. Only non-programmable pocket calculators without a computer algebra system (CAS) that do not contain remote data transmission (WLAN, Bluetooth, etc.) are permitted for exams and the assessment test in mathematics.
Oral exams
The oral exam covers the subjects of the written exam and the subjects not selected in the written exam in the M, T and G courses as well as GGP (history, geography, politics) and English in the W course .
The exam time is 25 minutes, the preparation time is 20 minutes.
Exam subjects:
- German
- History
- English (only for S course)
- German literature or social studies
Начало обучения в Зимний Семестр, Летний Семестр
Срок подачи документов на зимний семестр с 15.04 до 31.05. Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahme Prüfung) - 31.08
Срок подачи документов на летний семестр с 01.12 до 15.01.
Обучение бесплатно. Как правило взимается только семестровый сбор соответветствующего вуза.
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