
В Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College
Тип: M-Kurs Все курсы штудиенколлег


В Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College


Очные курсы 


Зимний Семестр Летний Семестр


2 семестров

Мин. уровень


M-Course for medical, biological and pharmaceutical courses (life sciences)


Начать обучение на этом курсе можно два раза в год - на летний и на зимний семестр. Начало обучения в зимний семестр - с 28.08 Начало обучения в летний семестр - с 23.01

Период обучения составляет 2 семестров

Учебный план

In the specialization courses, lessons are held in 5 to 7 subjects over a period of 28 to 32 hours per week. The training usually lasts one year (two semesters). The assessment test takes place at the end of the training.

Subjects of the main courses

  • German
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology

The preparatory college can offer optional additional subjects depending on the available capacities:

  • Latin-Greek
  • Word-customer
  • Computer Science
  • English

As a student, you are obliged to be present during the entire lesson and to take part in the regular (written and oral) performance assessments.

In addition to the obligatory courses in the core courses, you have the opportunity to take part in the ISZ's additional voluntary offer free of charge. We are currently offering a theater course and working as an editor for a student magazine.



Для поступления на M-Course в Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College необходимо получить направление от одного из вузов на этот курс штудиенколлег.

Минимальный уровень требуемого сертификата немецкого языка - B1.


Для зачисления на учебу на M-Course в Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College необходимо успешно сдать вступительные экзамены.

Вступительные экзамены на M-Course в Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College

Для поступления на этот курс необходимо сдать следующие экзамены:

  • Немецкий

Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahmeprüfung) на M-Course в Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College: на зимний семестр - 24.06, на летний семестр - 20.12

Подробнее о вступительных экзаменах на M-Course в Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College

What kind of test is this?

The entrance test consists of an electronic C-test, which you take personally on site.

The entrance test will determine whether you have sufficient knowledge of German to be able to follow the courses in the core courses. The people who are accepted into the ISZ are selected selectively and competitively. This means that those people are accepted who do best in the entrance test for their course type. If the number of participants exceeds the number of places available on the course, the places will be allocated in the order of the total number of points achieved in the entrance test.

If someone does not take part in the entrance test or does not pass it, the acceptance from the university automatically expires. It is possible to apply to the university again and take the entrance test again. The entrance test can only be repeated twice, at the earliest after the end of a semester.

If you have already been admitted to another preparatory college or have even taken an assessment test before, you may no longer be admitted to the preparatory college in Frankfurt.

Exemption from the admission test

You can not be exempted from taking the entrance test, even if you have already passed level DSH 2 or similar tests!

Preparing for the test

People often ask how best to prepare for the entrance test: The best preparation is to attend language courses that improve your general language skills. The test examines global competencies such as text comprehension and understanding textual contexts, but a good command of grammar rules and spelling is also necessary in order to achieve a good result.

Примеры вступительных экзаменов на M-Course в Goethe University Frankfurt am Main International Study Center/Preparatory College

Пример вступительного экзамена по немецкому языку

Выпускные экзамены

Выпускные экзамены FSP проводятся непосредственно в школе по окончании этого курса.

Выпускные экзамены включают, в том числе:

  • Немецкий
  • Математика
  • Физика
  • Химия
  • Экономика

The subject of the written exam in the M course is:

  • a) German,
  • b) biology or chemistry
  • c) physics or mathematics;

The written exams can also contain elements of chemistry in the subject biology and elements of biology in the subject chemistry.

The subject of the oral examination can be all subjects taught in the respective specialization course, including the additional subjects

Applicants can apply to be exempted from the assessment test in German if they have the certificate of the German language test for university admission for foreign applicants (DSH) with the result DSH-2 or DSH-3 or a corresponding equivalent.


Начало обучения в Зимний Семестр, Летний Семестр

Срок подачи документов на зимний семестр с 15.03 до 01.05. Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahme Prüfung) - 24.06

Срок подачи документов на летний семестр с 15.09 до 01.11. Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahme Prüfung) - 20.12


Обучение бесплатно. Как правило взимается только семестровый сбор соответветствующего вуза.

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