В International Studienkolleg TU DarmstadtТип: T-Kurs Все курсы штудиенколлег
В International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt
![International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt](https://studyinfocus.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/STKDarmstadtLogo.png)
The T-course at the preparatory college in Darmstadt prepares applicants for scientific and technical studies at a university, a technical college or a technical college. In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, the focus of education in mathematics and in the natural sciences is therefore on the introduction and training of scientific working methods and techniques, which are intended to enable independent study.
Подробнее о курсе
According to the lesson objectives
- Promoting the ability to abstract
- Development of problem-solving strategies
- Promotion of linguistic and technical competence by combining technical theory and technical language
- Fostering the ability to collaborate with other students,
particular importance is attached to the introduction to the technical basics and technical language, as well as to working in groups.
The technical basics in the natural sciences are taught in the form of experimental lessons and exercises. The students carry out some of the experiments and the evaluation themselves under supervision and are thus given the opportunity to work on the theoretical and experimental content of the course. In this way, any existing deficits in the methods of scientific work, which often occur with foreign applicants, can be eliminated.
Compulsory attendance
Students at the preparatory college are obliged to attend all courses regularly, and the students have to undergo the required proof of performance by the specified dates. In the event of illness, a medical certificate must be submitted immediately.
Exemption from German lessons
Students at the preparatory college who have previously obtained the certificate for the German language test for university admission for foreign applicants (DSH level 2) or have passed an equivalent test will be excluded from participation upon application in the subject "German as a foreign language" (DaF) and exempted from the German test if they take the assessment test for the T-course.
The DSH are the same
- the Test-DaF certificate (4 x level 4)
- the German language diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education, 2nd level (DSD level 2/C1)
- The big or the small language diploma of the Goethe-Institut
- the Goethe certificate C1
- Language certificates according to bilateral agreements with other countries
- telc C1 Hochschule
Начать обучение на этом курсе можно два раза в год - на летний и на зимний семестр.
Период обучения составляет 2 семестров
Учебный план
In T course, the subjects German as a foreign language (DaF), mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science are taught.
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Для поступления на T-Course в International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt необходимо получить направление от одного из вузов на этот курс штудиенколлег.
Минимальный уровень требуемого сертификата немецкого языка - B1.
Для зачисления на учебу на T-Course в International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt необходимо успешно сдать вступительные экзамены.
Вступительные экзамены на T-Course в International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt
Для поступления на этот курс необходимо сдать следующие экзамены:
- Немецкий
- Математика
Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahmeprüfung) на T-Course в International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt: на зимний семестр - 20.06, на летний семестр - 15.01
Подробнее о вступительных экзаменах на T-Course в International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt
All applicants who are registered by the universities for admission to the preparatory college take part in the admissions process for the preparatory college. This procedure decides whether you can get a place in the Studienkolleg.
In this admission procedure, which is binding for all applicants, knowledge of German and mathematics (only for T-course applicants) are tested to ensure that the applicant is able to attend classes on Studienkolleg can follow. Admission is determined by the number of places available and, for the T course, by the results of the German and mathematics entrance tests.
The German entrance test (for all applicants):
Students who are able to follow the lessons in German are admitted to the regular courses. This requires intermediate knowledge (Certificate B 1 GER.).
The entrance test currently consists of a "C-Test". In four short texts, the second half of the word must be added to every second word.
See the following pages for more examples of C tests:
- http://www.wirtschaftsdeutsch.de/ctest/ctestwirt.txt.php3< /a>
- http://www.edition-deutsch.de/lernwerkstatt/ ctest/ctested.txt.php3
- http://www.dsh-gateway.de/Ctest.php< /li>
- http://www.iik-duesseldorf.de/ctest/ctestallg. txt.php3
- http://www.testdaf.de/html/ctest/index.html< /a>
The math test (for T course applicants):
T-course applicants take a test in mathematics in addition to the entrance test in German. This test takes approximately 40 minutes. The tasks can be made from the following task areas:
- Linear and quadratic equations and inequalities
- Term transformations
- Area and perimeter requirements
- Points, segments and straight lines in the coordinate system
- Imagination of bodies and figures
- Theorem of rays, Pythagorean theorem
- Size arrangements
- Functions and function graphs
- Percentage calculation
The relevant chapters (see list of topics above) of the following books and websites can serve as preparation:
Bosch, Karl, "Bridge Course Mathematics", Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich, 2010, ISBN 978-3-48659777-6
Endres, Eberhard, "Training Mathematics Repetition Algebra", Stark, 2011, ISBN 978-3-89449849-8
Примеры вступительных экзаменов на T-Course в International Studienkolleg TU Darmstadt
Выпускные экзамены
Выпускные экзамены FSP проводятся непосредственно в школе по окончании этого курса.
Выпускные экзамены включают, в том числе:
- Немецкий
- Математика
- Физика
- Химия
In the T course, the subjects German as a foreign language (DaF), mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science are taught. In the written assessment test, the following exams are to be written: an exam in DaF, an exam in mathematics and another exam, where you can choose between physics, chemistry and computer science. All subjects can be the subject of the oral examination.
Preliminary assessment test (vFSP)
If you are attending a T-course in the first semester of the preparatory college, you can apply to be admitted to the early assessment test in one subject, in several or in all subjects of your course. We will only admit you to the exam if the performance you have shown so far promises to be successful. The head of the preparatory college makes the decision on admission to participation in consultation with the responsible teachers.
If you pass the early assessment test in individual subjects, you are exempt from attending courses in these subjects in the second semester. The final grades achieved in the individual subjects are included in the determination of the average grade for the assessment test.
If you want to take the early assessment test in all subjects, the following applies:
The subject of the written exam is in the T course
- German as a foreign language (DaF)
- Mathematics
- Physics or chemistry or computer science
The subject of the oral exam (it takes place about two weeks after the written exam) is in any case the subject German as a foreign language (DaF). In addition, those subjects in physics, chemistry and computer science that were not already part of the written examination are examined orally. In the other subjects, the examination board can waive an oral examination if at least the grade “satisfactory” (3) has been achieved in the relevant written examination. For the final grade in a subject, the grade of the written and the oral examination may have the same weight.
If you do not pass the early assessment test in whole or in part, this test or partial test is considered not to have been taken ("free attempt").
Начало обучения в Зимний Семестр, Летний Семестр
Срок подачи документов на зимний семестр до 15.04. Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahme Prüfung) - 20.06
Срок подачи документов на летний семестр до 15.10. Ориентировочная дата вступительного экзамена (Aufnahme Prüfung) - 15.01
Обучение бесплатно. Как правило взимается только семестровый сбор соответветствующего вуза.
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