Программа обучения "Business Administration / Business Informatics – Management & IT" в Pforzheim University
Betriebswirtschaft / Wirtschaftsinformatik - Management & IT
Pforzheim University
Business Informatics
0 € / Семестр
Sie wollen Digitalisierung gestalten?
Dann studieren Sie Wirtschaftsinformatik-Management & IT! Bei uns lernen Sie die Digitalisierung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu gestalten.
Der Studiengang verbindet betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte mit Methoden der Informatik. Durch Einblicke in betriebswirtschliche und technische Fragestellungen lernen Sie zwischen beiden Welten zu vermitteln. Aus diesem Blick über den Tellerrand einer Fachdisziplin hinaus qualifiziert Sie das Studium zu unterschiedlichsten beruflichen Aufgaben. Viele unserer Absolventen arbeiten später in der Beratung, im IT-Management oder in der Software-Entwicklung. Durch den Megatrend Digitalisierung sind die Berufsaussichten für Wirtschaftsinformatiker in den letzten Jahren rapide gestiegen und werden in der Zukunft weiter steigen. Kommen Sie zu uns und qualifizieren Sie sich zum Gestalter der Digitalisierung!
Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Business Administration / Business Informatics – Management & IT"
- Уровень: Бакалавриат
- Диплом: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Язык обучения: НемецкийАнглийский
- Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
- Срок обучения: 7 семестров
- Форма обучения: Полная
- Учебные кредиты: 210 ECTS
- Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
- Семестровый взнос: € 178 / семестр
- Правила приема: На основе конкурса
- Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1
- Минимальный уровень английского: B2
Описание программы обучения "Business Administration / Business Informatics – Management & IT"
Business informaticscombines business activities in companies (Management) and computer science (IT). The discipline is driven by the Optimization of operational processes. Business IT specialists are constantly looking for improvements in operational processes (business processes). This potential for improvement is found by software (e.g. using modeling tools or process mining techniques) and implemented with the help of software (e.g. through cloud computing or microservice architectures).
Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Business Administration / Business Informatics – Management & IT"
As a student and later as a graduate of our course, you are in demand as a creative mediator and problem solver in many companies and almost all areas of the company! Diverse job offers, high salaries and an incomparable variety characterize your professional perspective. A small selection from the extremely large spectrum of possibilities:
- Perform management and management tasks in IT areas
- Manage and implement IT projects
- Advising companies in the field of information technology
- Design, implement, support and maintain operational application systems
- Realize marketing, sales and training of IT products
There are plenty of opportunities for entry and advancement for you as a Pforzheim business IT specialist! Especially for management consultancies, IT consultancies and IT system houses as well as companies from all sectors: in their IT areas, but also in specialist departments.
We work closely with companies in the region and ensure that the course content is practical and optimally adapted to the needs of the job market. No wonder that our graduates are so popular with companies and can usually choose from a variety of offers.
The job prospects of our graduates are excellent. Even the past crises (Covid19 and the financial and economic crisis of the past few years) could not cloud these excellent prospects. In some cases, the chances of our graduates have even increased as a result of these crises.
Due to the trend towards digitization, these very good prospects for business informatics specialists will continue to be good in the coming years and decades and will probably get even better.
Учебный план программы обучения "Business Administration / Business Informatics – Management & IT"
Our tailor-made study program combines business administration and applied computer science. You will learn everything you need for a successful professional future as a business IT specialist:
- Responsible thinkingand acting entrepreneurially.
- Understand business relationships and design digital solutions!
- Business processes (procedures) company-wide and comprehensive develop, optimize and make executable using information technology.
- Modern information technology (such as mobile apps, cloud technology and microservices) select, design and implement(implement).
How do I become a digitization expert?
In addition to comprehensive economics training (according to the Pforzheim model), you will primarily acquire specialist knowledge in the field of business informatics. Our focus is:
- Engineering approachin the development, design and selection of information systems (software)
- Methods of project management (classic, agile and hybrid)
- Modeling and analysisof complex issues
- Digitization and optimization of existing processes
Business Process Engineering
- Design of business processes and associated information systems
- Process modeling(e.g. with BPMN)
- Selecting, adapting (customizing) and introducing information systems (e.g. SAP S/4HANA)
- Software-assisted process analysis (e.g. through process mining)
Software design and engineering
- Design and development of distributed information systems (e.g. object-oriented with Java)
- Design of human-computer interactions (User Experience and Usability)
- Modeling and analysis of complex data structures and databases (e.g. with UML, ERD and PostgreSQL or Amazon DynamoDB)
- Design and implementation of modern web applications (Progressive Web App, PWA)
Typical types of events are lectures in German and English, exercises on the computer and tutorials as well as seminars and case studies. As part of projects (usually together with companies) and a capstone event, you have the opportunity to apply your new skills in an interdisciplinary and practical way. Our compulsory elective modules also give you the opportunity to deepen the focus of your degree further.
Faculty of Business and Law (Business School)
Pforzheim UniversityEmerging from the Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft (FHW), the Pforzheim Business School has been offering young people a profound economic education with a high level of academic sophistication for more than 50 years. Since 1963 our faculty has been laying the foundation for many successful careers of our graduates. With over 3500 students, 675 new students per year and 97 professors, we are the largest faculty at the Pforzheim University. Our broad range of courses encompasses 14 bachelor programs and 10 master programs, which are based on professional fields of work and tailored to the needs of the economy. The curriculum is complemented by a number of additional qualifications (“Ethikum”, trainer aptitude certification, International Study Program), which can be acquired alongside our students’ regular coursework. The high standard of our academic education is validated through the AACSB seal. Thereby, the Business School Pforzheim ranks among the best business schools of the world.
The Business School Pforzheim represents the following values:
• Practical – Knowledge put to practice
• International – Knowledge that knows no boundaries
• Sustainable – Knowledge that thinks of tomorrow
• Personal – Knowledge that connects
• Interdisciplinary – Knowledge that creates new perspectives
We live an open campus philosophy and are looking forward to getting to know you! Visit us at a Dies Academicus event, at one of our student information session days or just get in touch with us.
Методика оценки заявок
According to the allocation regulations for university places, each university can determine the criteria according to which the selection process for applicants is carried out within a framework specified by the university allocation ordinance.
The admission rates for cases of hardship, foreigners, applicants for a second degree and applicants whose local commitment is in the public interest are the same for all courses. The remaining study places will be allocated:
- 10% after waiting time
- 90% according to the selection process carried out by the university
The following selection criteria apply:
First, a weighted overall HZB grade is formed, which is determined as follows:
- Average grade of university entrance qualification = 50%
- Individual grades of the university entrance qualification in mathematics [1] = 30%
- Individual grades of the university entrance qualification in English [2] = 20%
A weighted grade is then determined in the selection process as follows:
- the weighted overall HZB grade = 70%
- The result of the study aptitude test = 30%.
However, the result of the study aptitude test is only taken into account if the test result is better than the average grade of the university entrance qualification. If the result of the test procedure is worse than the average grade of the university entrance qualification, the average grade of the university entrance qualification counts instead. The same applies if the result of the test procedure is not available.
The weighted grade can therefore never be worsened by the study aptitude test.
It should be noted here that all applicants are subject to all the selection criteria specified for the degree program. The overall result of the selection criteria gives the grade that is taken into account in the admissions process.
Полезные ссылки по программе обучения "Business Administration / Business Informatics – Management & IT"
- Сайт программы: https://businesspf.hs-pforzheim.de/studium/studierende/bachelor/bw_wirtschaftsinformatik_management_it
- Учебный план / модули: https://businesspf.hs-pforzheim.de/fileadmin/_processed_/d/9/csm_Studienablauf_02_86071233b0.png<br />https://businesspf.hs-pforzheim.de/fileadmin/user_upload/uploads_redakteur_wirtschaft/Qualitaetsmanagement/Dokumente/Modulhandbuecher/Bachelor_SPO2019_deutsch/BWMI_Modulhandbuch_SPO2019.pdf<br />https://e-campus.hs-pforzheim.de/business_pf/syllabi_und_modulhandbuecher/syllabi_wr
Записаться на поступление на программу обучения
Business Administration / Business Informatics – Management & IT