Программа обучения "Business Management" в Nuremberg Institute of Technology
Nuremberg Institute of Technology
Business Administration, Finance, HR, Logistics
0 € / Семестр
Our master's program offers you the opportunity to specialize in the areas of Supply Chain Management (SCM), Finance, Human Resources Management (HRM), Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Taxation (FACT) and Digital Business.
With a degree in Business Administration M.A. you are prepared for the challenges of global economic development. You earn a degree that qualifies you for leadership and academic work. An application-oriented, scientific deepening is achieved by the choice of one of the specializations mentioned above. So we make you fit for activities in logistics, in the banking sector or even in finance departments of smaller and larger companies, in personnel management such as personnel recruiting or personnel development, in controlling as well as accounting and bookkeeping (including IFRS) and tax law or also for digitization in a corporate context and, consequently, Industry 4.0.
Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Business Management"
- Уровень: Магистратура
- Диплом: Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Язык обучения: Немецкий
Начало обучения:
Зимний семестр
Летний семестр - Срок обучения: 3 семестров
- Форма обучения: Полная
- Учебные кредиты: 90 ECTS
- Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
- Семестровый взнос: € 118 / семестр
Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Business Management"
The Master gives access to a variety of job profiles and offers the best perspectives in a networked and increasingly complex global economy. The specialized management education enables versatile application possibilities in emerging industries:
- As a decision-maker in the highly dynamic capital market, you negotiate with renowned business partners about modern financing methods and techniques. In an international environment, you shape corporate development and influence the value-oriented orientation of companies.
- You will find your application options in the areas of accounting, controlling, finance and taxes of industrial and service companies as well as in business consulting and auditing.
- In responsible positions in the logistics industry, you act as a supply chain manager with learned concepts and methods.
- As a human resources manager, you are the qualified contact person for all matters relating to personnel consulting, employee development or international assignments.
- Based on your in-depth knowledge of the interface between IT and business, you are an expert on all digitization projects in your organization and take responsibility for the digital leadership of your organization.
- Outside the commercial sphere, there are also career prospects with public and private institutions or associations.
The master's degree opens up the possibility of a doctorate.
Учебный план программы обучения "Business Management"
The Master's Program Business Administration at the TH Nuremberg is designed for a full-time, three-semester study period and includes subjects from the basics, specializations, compulsory elective modules and the Master's thesis.
- Basic modules
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation and Technology Management
- Current Issues of Strategic Management (optional)
- Quantitative Methods and Market Design
- Quantitative Methods and Economic Decision Making
Specialization Supply Chain Management
The main focus of the Master's program is the ability to analyze, design and optimize operational and inter-company supply chains from a technical, economic information and sustainable ecological perspective. This is based on a cross-functional approach.
Finance Specialization
The core of the finance specialization is banking and financing with the relevant links to the financial markets. The curriculum is divided into the overarching topics Corporate Finance & Corporate Finance "and" Financial Institutions & Capital Markets".
Specialization Human Resources Management
The core of the specialization is formed by important questions that round out the complex spectrum of human resources topics. In addition, there is an essential connection to modern leadership concepts. The curriculum extends u.a. on strategic, operational and legal issues
Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Taxation (FACT) Specialization
The objective of the specialization "FACT" is to equip junior executives with a suitable competence profile for their later tasks in increasingly international companies. In addition to the further development of the relevant quantitative specialist and methodological skills, emphasis is placed on the strengthening of social competences, which is essential for taking on management functions.
Digital Business Specialization
This master's degree prepares you to succeed in complex digitization projects and to guide them in the future. They thus play a central role in all digitization efforts of organizations, especially in business enterprises.
In the context of the courses, you will get to know the business management as well as the (informational) technological perspective in a practice-oriented manner and to combine them into competitive solutions.
Master work
In the 3rd semester you deepen your technical knowledge through the master thesis. You are dealing independently with a current, demanding research or development topic and apply your knowledge to a complex academic or practice-related problem.
Recognition of external credits
Under certain conditions already completed academic achievements from other universities can be counted towards studying at the TH Nürnberg.
Faculty of Business Administration
Nuremberg Institute of TechnologyAround 3,000 students are currently enrolled in the degree programs offered by the Faculty of Business Administration.
The Faculty employs 46 professors, all of whom have many years of work experience in industry and business. In addition, an adjunct staff of 81 instructors provide direct insights into real-life applications in their seminars.
Полезные ссылки по программе обучения "Business Management"
- Сайт программы: https://www.th-nuernberg.de/studiengang/betriebswirtschaft-ma-1/
- Учебный план / модули: https://www.th-nuernberg.de/studiengang/betriebswirtschaft-ma-1/#tab-contents
Записаться на поступление на программу обучения
Business Management