
Chemical biology

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Undergraduate Winter Semester

Chemical biology is an interdisciplinary science, which emphasizes specifically questions from the boundary between biology and chemistry. Biological or medical questions such as "How does a protein work?" Are investigated using physical-chemical methods. The goal is the molecular understanding of biological processes. Other areas include the chemical synthesis and modification of biologically active substances, their technical exploitation and the optimization of biological processes.
The special feature of chemical biology lies in its interdisciplinary orientation, which is reflected in a wide range of qualifications. As a result, students are consistently prepared for later work beyond individual scientific boundaries. Topics of the study include molecular evolution, enzymatic specificity and catalysis, medical mechanisms, molecular communication and biosynthetic processes. The method training is predominantly based on the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, and biophysics. While the six-semester bachelor's program teaches the basics of chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics as well as computer applications, the four-semester master's program provides the opportunity for knowledge enhancement and specialization. Three different study variants can be chosen: biochemistry, organic chemistry or biology.

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