Программа обучения Chemistry with a focus on economics

Программа обучения "Chemistry with a focus on economics" в University of Kaiserslautern

Chemie mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftswissenschaften

80% of the basic education is focused on chemistry and 20% on economics.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Chemistry with a focus on economics"

  • Уровень: Бакалавриат
  • Диплом: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: Немецкий
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 6 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 180 ECTS
  • Семестровый взнос: € 245.23 / семестр
  • Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1
  • Минимальный уровень английского: B2
  • Подходящий курс Штудиенколлег: T-Kurs

Ожидаемые результаты программы обучения "Chemistry with a focus on economics"

As part of the bachelor's program, students acquire essential skills in order to be able to intellectually penetrate connections at the interface between chemistry and economics in their professional life. The basis for this is provided by students learning mathematical, physical and chemical fundamentals, by acquiring practical skills in dealing with chemical substances and by studying basic contents of business administration, accounting and finance and a selection from the areas of production, marketing, Investment and Finance, Fundamentals of Leadership, Strategic Management, Business Informatics and Operations Research. The acquired competences enable graduates to plan, carry out and evaluate hypothesis-driven research projects. The essential findings of these projects are that the Bachelor graduates are able to convey to a specialist audience in a lecture and to defend experts of the subject.

Международный обмен по программе обучения "Chemistry with a focus on economics"

The bachelor's degree program is an elementary teaching program in which an institutionalized student exchange with foreign partner universities is not provided as standard due to the rigid curriculum. However, students have the opportunity to study at a foreign university and have their achievements recognized. Prior to your stay abroad, a Learning Agreement will be signed to ensure that benefits from abroad are recognized.

Стажировки и практика в программе обучения "Chemistry with a focus on economics"

The importance of the practical training of the students is reflected in the proportion of practical work in semester hours per week of 31%.

Учебный план программы обучения "Chemistry with a focus on economics"

The first two semesters include General Chemistry, Experimental Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics modules, as well as basic and minor subjects in Chemistry, Hydrocarbon Chemistry and Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, and Kinetics. The third semester includes basics of organic-chemical reactivity, quantum mechanics and chemical analysis. From the fourth semester, the basics of aromatic and heterocyclic chemistry, coordination chemistry, statistical mechanics and spectroscopy will be taught. The last third of the bachelor's degree program includes the second synthesis internship, a physico-chemical practical course and fundamentals in technical chemistry. The bachelor thesis in chemistry completes the studies. In the economics section, you first deal with the fundamentals of accounting and finance. Thereafter, individual profiling in the areas of production, marketing, investment and financing, fundamentals of leadership, organization and management, operations research and business informatics is possible.
  • Учебный план / модули: https://www.chemie.uni-kl.de/fileadmin/chemie/Dokumente/Dokumente_Ordnungen/MhB_Ba_Ch_SPWiwi_WS1819_1.pdf
  • Факультет

    Fachbereich Chemie
    University of Kaiserslautern

    Chemie ist die Lehre vom Aufbau, den Eigenschaften und der Umwandlung der Materie und nimmt eine zentrale Stellung zwischen der Physik und Geologie zur Beschreibung der unbelebten Natur und den Biowissenschaften ein, die sich den Lebensprozessen widmen. Wie kaum eine andere Wissenschaft hat die Chemie viele Lebensbereiche des Menschen beeinflusst und entscheidend zum heutigen Lebensstandard beigetragen. Ob Ernährung, Kleidung und Wohnen, ob Gesundheit und Sicherheit oder ob Kommunikation und Verkehr, überall spielt die Chemie eine wichtige Rolle.

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    Chemistry with a focus on economics