Программа обучения "Cultural Industry" в University of Duisburg-Essen
University of Duisburg-Essen
Business Administration, Culturology, Economics
0 € / Семестр
The bachelor's degree in cultural studies is an interdisciplinary, practice-oriented degree based on the ECTS system (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which combines a coordinated degree in the humanities and economics. In addition to imparting key business management qualifications and fundamentals, studying the humanities subjects as part of the Kulturwirtschaft ensures a systematic and critical understanding of the most important non-German EU cultural areas, and it enables in a specific way to analyze texts and facts in a factual and method-oriented manner.
The economics part of the course, which is essentially business-oriented, offers a scientific education in the sub-areas of business administration, such as accounting, annual financial statements, investment and finance, business informatics, marketing, human resources, etc. In addition, the courses in the faculty's economics module are compulsory in the supplementary area E2 To study business administration.
In addition to the interdisciplinarity inherent in the cultural studies course by combining linguistics, cultural studies and economics, the supplementary area (E area) enables the acquisition of further interdisciplinary key competencies.
Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Cultural Industry"
- Уровень: Бакалавриат
- Диплом: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.);
- Язык обучения: Немецкий
- Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
- Срок обучения: 6 семестров
- Форма обучения: Полная
- Учебные кредиты: 180 ECTS
- Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
- Семестровый взнос: € 304.62 / семестр
- Правила приема: На основе конкурса
- Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1
Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Cultural Industry"
In particular, the course imparts knowledge and skills that are used to implement cultural and business theory as well as cultural and business practice in a job-market-oriented career.
Occupational fields can be found e.g. in commercial enterprises at home and abroad, in human resources, in administration, in public relations, in the areas of media and culture, in the public service or in social organizations - i.e. where cultural and economic expertise is required.
Стажировки и практика в программе обучения "Cultural Industry"
Internship lasts at least six weeks.
Учебный план программы обучения "Cultural Industry"
When enrolling, you have to choose two subjects from the following catalog (compulsory subject economics plus one of the specializations from the Faculty of Humanities):
- Economics (mandatory area);
- Culture and Linguistics English (Great Britain including Commonwealth, North America);
- Culture and linguistics French ;
- Culture and Linguistics Dutch ;
- Culture and Linguistics Spanish (Spain and Hispanic America);
- Culture and linguistics Turkish .
In addition to the compulsory and elective areas, students can take an exam in other subjects (see Examination regulations § 29 "Additional exams").
If you choose culture and linguistics French , you have the opportunity to obtain a double degree through a two-semester study visit to France: the bachelor's degree "Kulturwirt" from the University of Duisburg-Essen and the license in the "Langues Étrangères Appliquées" course.
For this purpose, we cooperate with the Université Aix-Marseille (AMU) and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Audour (UPPA). You study in the first and second semester in Duisburg-Essen, in the third and fourth semester in Aix-Marseille or in Pau and in the fifth and sixth semester again in Duisburg-Essen.
The bachelor's degree comprises 180 credits. This does not apply
- 141 credits for the subject-specific modules examined during the course, of which
- 68 credits on business administration,
- 65 credits in the humanities subject,
- 8 credits for the job-oriented internship; - 27 credits for the supplementary area, of which
- 6 credits on module E1 (key qualifications),
- 12 credits on module E2 (general education basics of the specialist course),
- 9 credits on module E3 (liberal studies); - 12 credits on the bachelor thesis.
The Bachelor thesis (processing time: 10 weeks) concludes the course; it is to be written in German or in the respective target language of the humanities subject in which the Bachelor thesis is written, or in a foreign language generally accepted by the examination board.
Faculty of Humanities
University of Duisburg-EssenSince the 19th century the Humanities have constituted an integral part of the canon of subjects traditionally taught at universities. More than 9000 students are enrolled in courses of the academic bachelor's and master's degree programs in the Faculty of Humanities.
They study subjects such as English, German as a Second Language / German as a Foreign Language, French, German, History, Design Technology, Geography, Communication Studies, Art and Art History, Netherlandic Studies, Philosophy, Spanish, Protestant Theology, Catholic Theology, and Turkish Studies. The great variety of combinations of subjects in the different courses of study allows students to match subjects to personal strengths and interests. The wide range of subjects and study programs also allows a flexible adjustment to new professions and social requirements.
Research subjects include literature, language, media, communications, art, religion and culture, past and present. The Faculty of Humanities traditionally awards the doctoral title of Dr. phil.
About 300 people are employed at the Faculty of Humanities, making the Humanities among the largest faculties of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Методика оценки заявок
NC-value WS 2020/21: All complete applications were accepted
Полезные ссылки по программе обучения "Cultural Industry"
- Сайт программы: https://www.uni-due.de/studienangebote/studiengang.php?id=55
- Брошюра / инфо-материалы: https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/abz/flyer_pdf/vddepliant_kulturwirt_deutsch-francais_mai_2017.pdf<br />https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/abz/flyer_pdf/flyer-kulturwirt-spanisch.pdf
- Учебный план / модули: https://www.msm.uni-due.de/fileadmin/Dateien/MSM/BSc_BWL_Double_Degree_fuer_Kulturwirte.pdf<br />https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/images/abz/bilder_studiengangsdatenbank/kulturwirt__b.a._.png<br />https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/zentralverwaltung/bereinigte_sammlung/8-58-6-ber_maerz20.pdf<br />https://www.uni-due.de/kulturwirt/studenplaene_bachelor_kulturwirt.php<br />https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/turkistik/mhb_ba_kulturwirt__wise_17_18__2020_06_03.pdf<br />https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/zentralverwaltung/bereinigte_sammlung/8-58-6-juli14.pdf
Записаться на поступление на программу обучения
Cultural Industry