Программа обучения "Digital Business Management" в University of Applied Sciences Worms
Digital Business Management
University of Applied Sciences Worms
Business Administration, Business Informatics, Economics
0 € / Семестр
Whether work 4.0, big data or search engine optimization: digitization moves and changes the corporate world. Almost all industries are facing major technological and business changes. Retail is challenged by e-commerce companies. Services are increasingly being provided and distributed virtually and remotely. The automotive industry is facing new competition from ridesharing services like Uber and lyft. Even for small businesses today, being found online is essential. If you don't exist online and don't know how to use new technologies, you're not competitive. Understanding digital change and actively shaping it is therefore a challenge for most companies. Corresponding specialists at the interface between business administration and IT are in demand - we train them!
Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Digital Business Management"
- Уровень: Бакалавриат
- Диплом: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.);
- Язык обучения: Немецкий
Начало обучения:
Зимний семестр
Летний семестр - Срок обучения: 7 семестров
- Форма обучения: ПолнаяДуальное обучение
- Учебные кредиты: 210 ECTS
- Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
- Семестровый взнос: € 130.80 / семестр
- Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1
Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Digital Business Management"
They are needed wherever companies are gearing up for the digital age. You can draw information and insights from company data and are able to develop new business ideas and business processes from them. You think innovatively and play a key role in the digital transformation of companies.
You work for a large industrial or commercial company
- in establishing data-driven decisions
- in the development of marketing campaigns in the field of social media
- as an expert in search engine optimization.
You work for a medium-sized company or a start-up
- as an expert in innovative marketing,
- as a business generalist with a high affinity for digital topics,
- or as a developer of new e-commerce sales channels.
You work as an analyst in a strategy consultancy and support your clients
- in the optimization and digitization of your processes,
- when analyzing customer data and sales markets or
- make an important contribution to strategy development in order to successfully assert oneself in the international competitive environment.
Международный обмен по программе обучения "Digital Business Management"
At least one possible stay abroad during the course promotes foreign language and intercultural skills and strengthens personal development. The practical semester takes place in the 7-semester course variant in the 5th semester. This is where the knowledge/skills acquired in the bachelor’s program are applied. Studying at one of the numerous international partner universities is also supported and is possible with good study organization without loss of time. There is also the option of earning a double degree at some of our partner universities.
Стажировки и практика в программе обучения "Digital Business Management"
Internship: optional - 20 weeks abroad (without internship study duration 6 semesters)
Учебный план программы обучения "Digital Business Management"
Two course variants
The Digital Business Management course can be studied in two different course variants. In the course of your studies, you decide whether you would like to complete a practical semester abroad or prefer a shorter course of study. The result is a Bachelor's degree in
6 semesters with 180 CP or in
7 semesters with 210 CP.
The course can be divided into three sections:
1 | Semester 1 - 4: Imparting the basics
In the first four semesters of the Digital Business Management course, basic competencies in international business administration are taught with a focus on the digital economy, the collection and analysis of data and important competencies for starting a career.< /p>
2 | Semester 5: Practical semester and study abroad (optional)
The fifth semester is an optional practical semester, in which basic economic knowledge and specialist technical knowledge are to be deepened and applied in the company. Here, the personal and professional horizon of the students is expanded and supplemented with valuable network contacts.
3 | Semester 6 - 7: Specialization and bachelor thesis (semester abroad possible)
In the sixth and seventh semester, the knowledge imparted in the first years of study is deepened in specialization modules. From a wide range of elective modules in the field of international business administration, the student can specialize in the desired direction. Modules with a stronger information technology orientation can also be selected within the scope of the specialization options. Shortly before the end of your studies, the specialization modules cover the areas that are of particular interest to you and that will enable you to further develop your professional profile shortly before you start your career. In these modules, there is more project work, workshops or excursions to international companies.
The Digital Business Management course covers a wide range of relevant topics. In addition to the sound training in international business administration, you will take courses that familiarize you with the special features of the digital economy, digital business models and models of digital transformation. The analysis of large amounts of data and data visualization are learned in a practical manner and applied in case studies and practical projects. Important methods (such as agile project management or design thinking) are also part of the course, as are guest lectures by practitioners from the corporate world. Equipped with this knowledge, graduates have a wide range of career paths open to them, for example in innovative technology companies, international corporations and strategic consulting firms.
Faculty of Economics
University of Applied Sciences WormsThe Faculty of Economics offers bachelor's and master's degree programs with a high international and / or industry-specific focus in its three fields of study.
The internationality is not only reflected in the content of the business subjects. Learning other foreign languages and teaching intercultural skills complete the course. In the taxation courses, however, the content is very practice-oriented and geared towards starting a career in tax consultancy professions. The consecutive master's programs offer a focus on the choice of specialization subjects with a focus on internationality and / or industry and application orientation. Attractive cooperation partners open up ideal opportunities for young professionals through their practice-oriented training.
Contacts with business are not only everyday due to the diverse cooperation partners, but also manifest through numerous lectures and projects integrated into the events, so that the learning content is always up to date.
The opportunity to write the final thesis in a company both at home and abroad gives students the opportunity to shape their career entry globally before they finish their studies.
Полезные ссылки по программе обучения "Digital Business Management"
- Сайт программы: https://www.hs-worms.de/fachbereiche/wirtschaftswissenschaften/studienrichtung-iba/dbm/
- Брошюра / инфо-материалы: https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/wirtschaftswissenschaften/iba/Flyer/IBA_DBM_6Seiter_08052019.pdf
- Учебный план / модули: https://www.hs-worms.de/index.php?eID=tx_cms_showpic&file=15630&md5=2706f9ce7a367a1c0d3d1423201eba603dded97a¶meters%5B0%5D=YTo1OntzOjU6IndpZHRoIjtzOjQ6IjgwMG0iO3M6NjoiaGVpZ2h0IjtzOjQ6IjYw¶meters%5B1%5D=MG0iO3M6NzoiYm9keVRhZyI7czo0MToiPGJvZHkgc3R5bGU9Im1hcmdpbjowOyBi¶meters%5B2%5D=YWNrZ3JvdW5kOiNmZmY7Ij4iO3M6NDoid3JhcCI7czozNzoiPGEgaHJlZj0iamF2¶meters%5B3%5D=YXNjcmlwdDpjbG9zZSgpOyI%2BIHwgPC9hPiI7czo0OiJjcm9wIjtzOjk4OiJ7ImRl¶meters%5B4%5D=ZmF1bHQiOnsiY3JvcEFyZWEiOnsieCI6MCwieSI6MCwid2lkdGgiOjEsImhlaWdo¶meters%5B5%5D=dCI6MX0sInNlbGVjdGVkUmF0aW8iOiJOYU4iLCJmb2N1c0FyZWEiOm51bGx9fSI7¶meters%5B6%5D=fQ%3D%3D<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/wirtschaftswissenschaften/iba/Downloads_BA_gesamt/03a_DBM_BA_klassisch_Curriculum.pdf<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/wirtschaftswissenschaften/iba/Downloads_BA_gesamt/03b_DBM_BA_dual_Curriculum.pdf<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/wirtschaftswissenschaften/iba/Downloads_BA_gesamt/MHB_IBA_BA_PO_2019_20221.pdf<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/wirtschaftswissenschaften/iba/Downloads_BA_gesamt/2022_01_10_RPO_nichtamtliche_Lesefassung.pdf<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/wirtschaftswissenschaften/iba/Downloads_BA_gesamt/FPO_DBM_2018.pdf<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/wirtschaftswissenschaften/iba/Downloads_DBM_BA/FPO2018_DBM_BA-d.pdf
Записаться на поступление на программу обучения
Digital Business Management