Программа обучения Electromobility and Power Networks

Программа обучения "Electromobility and Power Networks" в Regensburg University of Applied Sciences

Elektro- und Informationstechnik

Are you interested in electromobility and power networks? Are you looking to broaden and deepen the knowledge you acquired in your Bachelor degree programme specifically in this field? If you are, then the MSc in Electromobility and Power Networks is the ideal degree programme for you.As modern societies turn away from fossil fuels as a source of energy they face many new challenges in the areas of personal mobility and energy supply – challenges which offer engineers career opportunities with a promising future. Our MSc degree programme is designed to develop a solid technical skill base which will allow our engineers to pursue independent scientific applications and subject-oriented careers and to tackle and resolve complex R&D problems.You will also assimilate soft skills that will help develop your personality and your overall approach to work, and gain project management and presentation skills. The degree programme will enable you to critically appraise the social, economic and cultural implications of your actions as an engineer, and to adopt a responsible attitude to your work. This distinctively practical focus with its foundation in theory and its associated up-skilling content will prove of distinct benefit to your professional future.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Electromobility and Power Networks"

  • Уровень: Магистратура
  • Диплом: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
  • Язык обучения: Немецкий
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
    Летний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 3 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 90 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 152.50 / семестр
  • Правила приема: На основе конкурса

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Electromobility and Power Networks"

The master's degree in electrical engineering and information technology focuses on the training areas of communication technology, embedded systems, robotics and electronics application development, which represent essential competencies for digitization and are in high demand from the regional economy in a wide variety of industries. Therefore, a degree opens up a wide range of fields of activity.

Thanks to the broad curriculum, graduates can flexibly follow the constantly changing requirements in companies and work wherever demanding and complex engineering activities occur and corresponding creative solutions have to be developed.

Among other things, employment in the following industries:

  • Automotive and aircraft technology
  • Industrial manufacturing, Industry 4.0
  • Hardware and software development
  • Microelectronics and device automation
  • Smart Home and Household Electronics
  • Communication and transmission technology
  • Internet of Things
  • Energy industry and electricity service providers

Ожидаемые результаты программы обучения "Electromobility and Power Networks"

Mediated qualifications

  • In-depth technical knowledge, skills and methods, which are necessary for a professional and demanding professional activity and enable you to classify new findings critically and to develop them independently
  • In-depth basic knowledge in the fields of numerical mathematics, probability calculation, statistics, optimization and aspects of theoretical electrical engineering
  • Extensive methodological and analytical knowledge as well as specialized professional skills from the fields of electronics, embedded intelligent systems, information and communication technology as well as robotics and mechatronics (depending on the chosen specialization)
  • Ability to engineer complex issues in terms of content and to incorporate system-technical aspects into their solution
  • Ability to take responsibility in groups or organizations, to lead them in complex tasks and to specifically promote the professional development of team members
  • Communicative competencies to represent work results and those of the team as well as to be able to hold area-specific and cross-area discussions, also in international contexts.
  • Qualifications, application- or research-oriented tasks and projects to be scientifically based and largely processed independently

The skills acquired qualify to take on complex specialist and management tasks and can serve as the basis for further academic qualification in a subsequent doctoral procedure or enable work in scientific institutions.

Учебный план программы обучения "Electromobility and Power Networks"

The master's degree in electrical engineering and information technology is aimed at students who want to acquire in-depth knowledge, skills and abilities based on their undergraduate studies in the field of electrical engineering and information technology. It represents a higher qualification for later professional activity.

The master's program lasts three semesters and basically consists of five compulsory modules, six advanced modules and the master's thesis.

In addition to in-depth basic knowledge in the subjects of mathematics and theoretical electrical engineering, the course provides a comprehensive understanding of complex electrical engineering issues. Depending on the chosen specialization , extensive methodological and analytical knowledge as well as specialized professional skills in the following areas:

  • Electronics
  • Embedded Intelligent Systems
  • Information and communication technology
  • Robotics and Mechatronics

If there is a uniform choice of specialization modules from one specialization area to the extent of four modules, this is deposited in the final certificate. Otherwise, the entry "General electrical engineering" is made.

In addition, in the second semester the processing of a project work is planned, in the course of which the students can independently deal with an extensive project and thus apply the skills acquired so far in the course of their studies in a practice-oriented and cross-disciplinary manner. The project work is supplemented by an accompanying seminar and teaching content on research methodology and scientific work.

The module overview provides an overview of the modules and the range of subjects.

  • Учебный план / модули: https://www.oth-regensburg.de/fakultaeten/elektro-und-informationstechnik/studiengaenge/master-elektro-und-informationstechnik/studienablauf-und-studienverlaufsplan.html
  • Факультет

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
    Regensburg University of Applied Sciences

    All Bachelor and Master courses in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology are application-oriented and are characterized by a strong practical relevance. A prominent feature of the Faculty EI is that a large number of professors take on application-oriented research and development tasks and integrate them into correspondingly structured project tasks.

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    Electromobility and Power Networks