Программа обучения "Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics" в Deggendorf Institute of Technology
Elektromobilität, autonomes Fahren und mobile Robotik
Deggendorf Institute of Technology
Electrical Engineering, Robotics, Vehicle Technology
0 € / Семестр
Engineering developments in the automotive industry are shaped by two major trends: autonomous driving and electromobility. Electric cars, robotic vehicles and computer-aided driver assistance systems are the means of transport and locomotion of the future. Since the winter semester 20/21, the Deggendorf University of Technology has been offering an attractive bachelor's degree that trains specialist staff in this field: electromobility, autonomous driving and mobile robotics. In this course, you will learn the subject of "Modern Mobility" from the perspective of electrical engineering and drive technology. This course is aimed primarily at those interested in studying who want to contribute to the electrical, electronic and control engineering side of the development. If you are enthusiastic about electrical engineering and modern mobility, this course offers you two specializations for your professional career: electromobility and autonomous driving / mobile robotics. Interesting research and development projects await you especially at the Campus for Modern Mobility in Plattling, which you can work on during your studies.
Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics"
- Уровень: Бакалавриат
- Диплом: Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
- Язык обучения: Немецкий
- Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
- Срок обучения: 7 семестров
- Форма обучения: Полная
- Учебные кредиты: 210 ECTS
- Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
- Семестровый взнос: € 74 / семестр
- Минимальный уровень немецкого: B2
Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics"
The automotive industry is one of the most popular employers for engineers, especially here in southern Germany. Also for you as an electrical engineer: in the automotive and supplier industry offers attractive jobs. Especially when it comes to modern mobility. If you have decided on electromobility as a specialization, you can apply your knowledge of the entire chain of effects of electric vehicles on the job. Starting with the supply at the charging station, to storing the energy in batteries, to intelligent power electronics for drive motors. You can also work in the field of hydrogen technology after you graduate. If you have decided to specialize in autonomous driving / mobile robotics, you will later work on autonomously operating systems on streets or in production facilities. The application of model-based methods is part of your professional practice, possibly also PLC programming or machine learning. If you want to be successful in this job, it is best to have a good feel for interdisciplinary and often international teamwork. Thinking ahead and enjoying trying out your solution approaches should be just as natural for you as the will to advance the technology. In the electromobility, autonomous driving and mobile robotics degree course, attention is paid to a wide-ranging, qualified basic training that enables you to do all of this. There are job opportunities primarily in companies in the automotive and supplier industries. But also in public service administrations and in private practice. As a graduate: You can expect engineering activities in the following areas:
- Development (conception, draft, calculation, simulation and construction) of hardware and software
- Manufacturing (work preparation, production)
- Project planning
- Sales (customer advice and project management)
- Installation, commissioning and service
- Operation and maintenance
- Monitoring and assessment
Учебный план программы обучения "Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics"
1. Semester
- Mathematics 1
- Physics 1
- Basics of electrical engineering 1
- Informatics 1
- Basics of digital technology
2. Semester
- Mathematics 2
- Physics 2
- Basics of electrical engineering 2
- Informatics 2
- Materials Science
- General elective subject 1
3. Semester
- Statistics and stochastics
- Real-time systems
- Electronic components
- Electrical measurement technology (lecture + internship)
- Sensors / optics
- Control engineering 1
4. Semester
- Image processing
- Control technology 2
- Electomagnetic compatibility
- Electrical machines
- Power electronics 1
- Microcomputer technology
Choice of a specialization
5. Semester
- Internship
- Practical seminar
- Supplementary specialization subject 1
- Supplementary specialization subject 2
Specialization in electromobility (EM)
6. Semester
- Power electronics 2
- Battery technologies
- Charging stations, hydrogen technology
- Automobile bus systems
- Subject-specific elective subject 1
- English for engineers
7. Semester
- Subject-specific elective subject 2
- Business Administration
- Scientific work
- Sustainable mobility
- General elective subject 2
- Seminar
- Bachelor thesis
Specialization in autonomous driving / mobile robotics (FR)
6. Semester
- Model-based controller design and validation
- Autonomous driving
- Mobile robots
- Automobile bus systems
- Subject-specific elective subject 1
- English for engineers
7. Semester SWS ECTS
- Subject-specific elective subject 2
- Business Administration
- Scientific work
- Sustainable mobility
- General elective subject 2
- Seminar
- Bachelor thesis
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Media Technology and Computer Science
Deggendorf Institute of TechnologyWe are a modern and diverse faculty, equipped with state-of-the-art labs, workshops, photo, media and sound studios, where students enjoy working individually or in teams to experiment and put their theoretical knowledge into practice“
Полезные ссылки по программе обучения "Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics"
- Сайт программы: https://www.th-deg.de/em-b
- Брошюра / инфо-материалы: https://www.th-deg.de/Fakult%C3%A4ten/Studiengangsflyer/flyer-em-ba.pdf
- Учебный план / модули: https://www.th-deg.de/Fakult%C3%A4ten/emt/qualifikationsziele/qualifikationsziele_em-b.pdf<br />https://www.th-deg.de/Studierende/Antraege-und-Organisatorisches/Modulhandbuecher/modulhandbuch_em-b.pdf<br />https://www.th-deg.de/Studierende/Antraege-und-Organisatorisches/Pruefungsordnungen/Bachelor/spo_elektromobilit%C3%A4t_bachelor_2020_2.pdf
Записаться на поступление на программу обучения
Electromobility, Autonomous Driving and Mobile Robotics