Программа обучения Fine Arts

Программа обучения "Fine Arts" в Hamburg University of Fine Arts

Bildende Künste

The interdisciplinary Bachelor degree »Fine Arts« encompasses all of the artistic and scientific subjects which can be found in the different departments as followed: Design, Grafic Art/Typography/Fotography, Film, Painting/Drawing, Sculpture, Stage Design, Theory and History, Time-based Media as well as numerous workshops and laboratory classes.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Fine Arts"

  • Уровень: Бакалавриат
  • Диплом: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.);
  • Язык обучения: Немецкий
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 8 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 240 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 333.60 / семестр
  • Правила приема: На основе конкурса
  • Минимальный уровень немецкого: A2

Учебный план программы обучения "Fine Arts"

During their first two semesters, beginning students will receive extensive supervision and assistance in becoming familiar with forms and methods of working, as well as an orientation on which subjects to take in the following years. Eventually, the learning and research which is undertaken in the studios of this institution will be dictated by the student’s own artistic intentions and by the interaction between individual artistic ideas and the practical considerations of planning and artistic work. Students will be assisted extensively during this process by assessment both within the group and in one-to-one conversation with tutors. At the same time the various scientific options on offer will help students to develop their plans for artistic development in detail, give them a theoretical dimension, and set them out in a judicious way and present them successfully to others. It is also possible to concentrate on scientific subjects. Knowledge of the materials and the principles of application of different techniques of working in art, as well as the necessary manual and technical skills can be gained in the numerous different artistic workshops.

Students will learn to develop work of their own which is experimental in a way which emphasises the aesthetic principles behind the work, the statement it makes and its strengths. They will be able to gain skills in craft processes which will enable them to express, refine and further develop a variety of artistic ideas. Students will be able to develop a knowledge of the history of art and theoretical concepts which will enable them to analyse and determine the state of development of their own artistic work and both increase and enhance their artistic productivity. Students taking a scientific subject will also learn to formulate theoretical problems, to develop an argument which traces their implications, and arrive at a conclusion or thesis. Developing the ability to present one’s own work to an audience, and to translate it into a variety of media is also an integral part of this study syllabus. The normal amount of time needed to complete this degree is 8 semesters.

  • Учебный план / модули: https://hfbk-hamburg.de/documents/22/hfbk_studienordnung_bfa.pdf
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    Fine Arts