Программа обучения Geological Sciences

Программа обучения "Geological Sciences" в Free University of Berlin

Geologische Wissenschaften

The geological sciences deal with the resources, processes and risks of planet Earth. Their methods are strictly scientific, but through their connection to the history of life and the Earth, they also have a historical component that is unique among the natural sciences.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Geological Sciences"

  • Уровень: Бакалавриат
  • Диплом: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: НемецкийАнглийский
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 6 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 180 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 311.99 / семестр
  • Правила приема: Без конкурса
  • Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1
  • Минимальный уровень английского: B2

Описание программы обучения "Geological Sciences"

Analysis and prediction of geological processes require the reconstruction of past events through the (global or local) study of rocks, minerals and fossils, which is usually done in an interdisciplinary manner in the geological sciences using various methods. Therefore, there are various disciplines in the geological sciences: In geophysics, the structure of the earth's interior and changes are investigated using physical methods. Mineralogists, hydrogeologists and geochemists deal with the properties and frequencies of the solid (mineral), liquid and gaseous components of the planet, structural geologists and sedimentologists interpret terrain changes such as mountain formation, plate tectonics and sedimentary basin formation, and paleontology studies interactions between life on earth and the earth's surface.

The importance of the geological sciences arises from the dependence of our civilization on resources such as water, energy and metal raw materials and building materials. Today in particular, the search for deposits of materials that are important in sustainable and climate-friendly energy use (e.g. for the production of solar cells and batteries) is playing an increasingly important role compared to the exploration of conventional energy sources such as oil, coal, gas and uranium. Another focus of teaching and research in the geological sciences at the Free University of Berlin is the quantitative assessment of long- and short-term natural risks such as climate change, earthquake hazards, slope instability, volcanism, ecosystem resilience and economic risks, including their effective communication to the public, e.g. in the form of specifications for environmental protection and land use. To research and interpret geological processes today and in the history of the earth, geoscientists develop computer-based or experimental models that are compared with a large number of observational data. The combination of models with observational data enables a better understanding of the earth in all its complexity. Students can learn both the skills of creating such models (e.g. numerical modeling) and a variety of methods for obtaining observational data (e.g. analytical laboratory methods, remote sensing, mapping and field surveys). The strength of the training in the Geological Sciences degree program lies in the diverse range of methods and employment opportunities on the labor market.

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Geological Sciences"

A career perspective is offered in so-called geoscientific routine activities such as geological documentation, data acquisition and processing, geoscientific support of a drilling crew or specialized machines, software or hardware or in customer service as well as solving geoscientific problems using standardized procedures (e.g. creation of special maps and profiles, directories, literature searches). The classic raw materials sector continues to be an important economic sector for our graduates (energy raw materials, metal and non-metal raw materials, glass, cement, ceramics industry). Further employment opportunities can also be found in the areas of materials research and development (e.g. solar cell research, semiconductor industry) and in various laboratories (environmental analysis, forensics, device manufacturers, etc.). Other employers can be private companies such as software manufacturers, (geo)scientific institutions or local authorities - but employment opportunities in the public sector also arise less frequently.

For managerial positions or employment in research and teaching, a master's degree and possibly a doctorate are required.

Ожидаемые результаты программы обучения "Geological Sciences"

The aim of the course is to provide students with a broad range of basic knowledge in the geological sciences. They will be familiarized with scientific working methods and the current state of research and learn to present findings in an objective and linguistically appropriate manner.

The course covers natural and geoscientific fundamentals that provide an insight into the multitude of processes that build and shape our earth. The basic scientific knowledge enables an exact description of the processes using mathematical, physical, chemical and biological fundamental and methodological skills. In the geoscientific specialization, the interdisciplinary skills are supplemented by further disciplinary methods and knowledge in geochemistry, geophysics, hydrogeology, mineralogy-petrology, paleontology, sedimentary geology and tectonics.

At the end of the course, students will be able to familiarize themselves quickly and independently with geological issues and to plan, carry out, document and complete a geological work project in a goal-oriented manner.

Bachelor graduates in Geological Sciences thus have knowledge and skills that qualify them for immediate employment and for taking up a consecutive or unrelated Master's degree program.

Учебный план программы обучения "Geological Sciences"

The mono-Bachelor's degree includes the study areas of basic geoscientific knowledge, basic natural science knowledge, advanced geoscientific knowledge and modules from the study area of ​​general career preparation (ABV).

At the end of the degree, the exemplary deepening and differentiation of a selected field of study takes place through the independent scientific development of a self-selected problem (Bachelor's thesis).

The structure and course of the degree is regulated by the study regulations. They contain detailed descriptions of the content and qualification goals of each individual module and an exemplary study plan. The examination regulations define the type and requirements of the examination performance of the modules. The regulations specify the credit points (LP) for each module or event as well as the workload in hours for the entire course.

Basic geological knowledge

  • Module Earth Part I
  • Module Earth Part II
  • Module Earth History and Stratigraphy
  • Module Practice I
  • Module Introduction to Mineralogy/Crystallography
  • Module General Paleontology
  • Module Hydraulics
  • Module Basics of Geochemistry
  • Module Sedimentology I
  • Module Applied Geophysics I
  • Module Tectonics I

Choice of a module sequence (5 or 4 modules each): Basic scientific knowledge with chemical-biological emphasis or mathematical-physical Emphasis

Geoscientific specialization (5 or 4 modules each, depending on the module sequence selected): Geochemistry, Geoinformatics and Planetology, Geology, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Mineralogy/Petrology, Paleontology
or other modules from the field of physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, geography or meteorology

The General Career Preparation (ABV) study area includes a professional internship and the following areas of competence: foreign languages, information and media competence, gender & diversity competence, organizational and management competence, personal and social-communicative competence and subject-related additional qualifications in which additional practical professional knowledge and skills are imparted. The goals, content and structure of the General Career Preparation study area are regulated in a separate ABV study and examination regulation.


Department of Earth Sciences
Free University of Berlin

The Department of Earth Sciences, which is located on the Geo Campus in Berlin’s Lankwitz district, is divided into three institutes: Geological Sciences, Geographical Sciences, and Meteorology.

The Department’s research focuses on the interactive physical, chemical, and biological processes taking place within the Earth, on the Earth’s surface, and the Earth’s atmosphere, as well as on the interactions between humans and the environment. Researchers study these processes primarily through the lens of natural science, but also using methods drawn from the social sciences.

The strength of the research at the Department of Earth Sciences is expressed through its involvement in the TOPOI cluster of excellence and in the fact that three German Research Foundation (DFG) Research Units are hosted here, in addition to several projects co-financed by industrial partners. Its success is based on two factors: the establishment of interdisciplinary approaches to research, and a broad-based, highly active cooperative network with university and non-university institutions in the greater Berlin-Potsdam region as well as in Europe and other parts of the world.

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Geological Sciences