Программа обучения International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship

Программа обучения "International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship" в Leuphana University of Lüneburg

International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship

How can organisations successfully handle the problems that arise when they operate in an international environment? How can they create public value? Which managerial and entrepreneurial skills support a sustainable development at the national and international levels? What are the differences between successful and less successful start-ups? These are some of the issues that the Bachelor programme International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship (IBAE) will teach you to handle.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship"

  • Уровень: Бакалавриат
  • Диплом: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: Английский
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 6 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 180 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 352.89 / семестр
  • Правила приема: На основе конкурса
  • Количество мест: 147
  • Минимальный уровень английского: C1
  • Подходящий курс Штудиенколлег: W-Kurs

Описание программы обучения "International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship"

How can organisations successfully handle the problems that arise when they operate in an international environment? How can they create public value? Which managerial and entrepreneurial skills support a sustainable development at the national and international levels? What are the differences between successful and less successful start-ups? These are some of the issues that the Bachelor programme International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship (IBAE) will teach you to handle.

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship"

The broad fundamental and methodological knowledge and responsible competences in the areas
of management, entrepreneurship, and further related subjects will qualify you for work in various
classic business divisions, research institutes and public organisations. You are qualified to startup
new businesses or, alternatively, begin a Masters programme. By combining the International
Business Administration & Entrepreneurship main subject with one of the various minor subjects,
you can choose your own specialisation, pursuing careers in many fields.

Ожидаемые результаты программы обучения "International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship"

Which managerial and entrepreneurial skills bring success at national as well as international
level? And how can companies or organisations contribute to the common good by creating public
value? This programme prepares you to work in the functional areas of business by enabling you to
develop the important managerial and entrepreneurial skills necessary to be successful in a rapidly
changing business environment.
Special emphasis is placed on management and entrepreneurial orientation from an international
perspective. The knowledge of entrepreneurship in theory and practice, business processes and
management function is complemented by further broader specific areas, such as accounting, finance,
marketing, law, organisational behaviour, IT, and qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Furthermore, through a historical view of management as well as a study of corporate and business
ethics issues, you develop a historically embedded and society-oriented perspective. This holistic
approach in the tradition of the ideal of ‘management as liberal art’ (Peter Drucker) should sensitise
you not only to responsibility in your field of business, but also to society and the environment.
Students who successfully complete the Bachelor programme are awarded a Bachelor of Science
(B. Sc.) degree.

Учебный план программы обучения "International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship"

At Leuphana College, the Bachelor degree programme consists of four components: the course starts
with Leuphana Semester, in which you learn the basic methodology and cover the fundamental
areas for an academic degree in your International Business Administration and Entrepreneurship
major. From the second semester, your Bachelor programme is divided in to a major (main subject),
minor (subsidiary subject) and Complementary Studies. In Complementary Studies, you explore
the approaches taken and methods used in other disciplines and explore socially relevant questions.

  • Учебный план / модули: https://www.leuphana.de/fileadmin/user_upload/college/Bachelor/Intern._Business_Administration_and_Entrepreneurship/businesss-administration-studieren-studieninhalte-bachelor-am-leuphana-college.svg
  • Факультет

    Fa­cul­ty of Busi­ness and Eco­no­mics
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg

    The Fa­cul­ty of Busi­ness and Eco­no­mics aims to cont­ri­bu­te to eco­no­mi­cal­ly and so­ci­al­ly re­le­vant chal­len­ges through re­se­arch and trans­fer with the di­sci­pli­nes re­pre­sen­ted in it.The Fa­cul­ty of Busi­ness and Eco­no­mics in­tends to­ge­ther with the dif­fe­rent di­sci­pli­nes be­longing to it to cont­ri­bu­te to so­lu­ti­ons of eco­no­mic and so­ci­al re­le­vant chal­len­ges in re­se­arch­ment and trans­fer. The mem­bers of the Fa­cul­ty stri­ve for of­fe­ring a pro­found sci­en­ti­fic and prac­tical re­le­vant edu­ca­ti­on to the stu­dents of the three schools Col­le­ge, Gra­dua­te School, and Pro­fes­sio­nal School, that enables a pro­fes­sio­nal and re­s­pon­si­ble thin­king and ac­tion in dif­fe­rent fiel­ds of ac­tivi­ty and ba­sed on high-qua­li­ty re­sults of re­se­arch­ment.

    Записаться на поступление на программу обучения

    International Business Administration & Entrepreneurship