Программа обучения "International Tourism Management" в University of Applied Sciences Worms
International Tourism Management
University of Applied Sciences Worms
Business Administration, International Business, Туризм
0 € / Семестр
The eight semester Bachelor's programme "International Tourism Management" leads to a first professionally qualifying academic degree. The programme was based on the curriculum of the six semesters Bachelor's programme "Tourism and Travel Management", and complements this with two semesters abroad.
Общая Информация по Программе обучения "International Tourism Management"
- Уровень: Бакалавриат
- Диплом: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.);
- Язык обучения: Немецкий
- Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
- Срок обучения: 8 семестров
- Форма обучения: Полная
- Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
- Семестровый взнос: € 130.80 / семестр
- Правила приема: На основе конкурса
- Минимальный уровень английского: B1
Международный обмен по программе обучения "International Tourism Management"
The stay abroad, which is mandatory in the curriculum, consists of two study semesters. The stay abroad should be completed in the 5th and 6th semester. The allocation of study places at the currently five partner universities takes place in a selection process, which is decided by a selection committee. The courses to be attended abroad are coordinated with the tourism / transport department before the study abroad and recorded with the help of a learning agreement. When the students return, the course and examination achievements agreed in advance and then completed abroad are recognized without grading.
Стажировки и практика в программе обучения "International Tourism Management"
The curriculum provides for a compulsory practical phase in the fourth semester. It consists of an internship with a duration of at least 20 weeks full-time, to be completed either at home or abroad in a company, an association or another institution in the tourism or transport sector or related sectors. The internship is intended to enable students to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired up to that point in practice and to expand them in addition to their academic training.
Учебный план программы обучения "International Tourism Management"
The Bachelor's study programme is characterized by a gradual transition from general to specific knowledge:
- The basic subjects of General Business Administration (e.g. Marketing, Cost Accounting, Accounting) and the complementary sciences (e.g. Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Travel Law) dominate at the beginning of your studies.
- Foreign language and intercultural curricula accompany the core business administration study programme.
- Special Business Administration of Tourism and Transport Management, which builds on the basic curricula, is only taught in higher semesters.
- Seminar-like forms of instruction starting in the 7th semester lets students apply their acquired methodological skills and critically examine these.
The Bachelor's programme is modular and is comprised of content and chronologically-coordinated individual subjects that forms a self-contained, testable study unit with credits. Each module is usually completed by a module exam. By passing all module exams, the course of study is successfully completed.
The individual subjects and modules are allocated credit points (CP). These are credit points which are obtained at the university by passing the relevant examinations. These are designed to ensure that the academic achievements of students at European universities are comparable.
The modules are comprised of compulsory subjects and electives. Compulsory subjects are subjects which require that all students take an exam. Electives are alternatively offered in subject catalogs, from which students must choose exam subjects to a prescribed extent.
The Bachelor's programme involves 240 credit points (CP) comprised of:
- 105 CP for compulsory subjects
- 35 CP for electives (without the internship, without the thesis)
- 60 CP for study abroad
These are the possible electives in detail:
- Among the foreign languages, English is compulsory. Students must also take a second foreign language course, either French or Spanish. Prior knowledge of these foreign languages is required. The selected second foreign language must be retained throughout the entire Bachelor's programme.
- Seventh semester Special Business Administration students choose two of the six offered areas of specialization
. You can choose from
- Tour Operator and Travel Agency Management
- Transport Carrier Management
- Destination Management
- Hotel Management
- Business Travel Management
- Event Management
- Additional options are offered by the so-called "elective area"; here students can choose three courses from the following fields:
- General Business Administration
- Special Business Administration
- Foreign languages
- Complementary sciences
The range of courses offered is duly announced at the beginning of each semester.
Department of Tourism/Travel Management
University of Applied Sciences WormsThe University of Worms is one of the pioneers in tourism education and offers a variety of specialization opportunities in tourism / transport that is unique in Germany.
The Department of Tourism/Travel Management was founded in 1978 and is now one of the best-known and most renowned of its kind. It offers students a scientifically sound and at the same time practical university education with a variety of specialization opportunities for the travel and tourism industry that is unique in Germany.
Полезные ссылки по программе обучения "International Tourism Management"
- Сайт программы: https://www.hs-worms.de/fachbereiche/touristikverkehrswesen/studiengaenge/bachelor/international-tourism-management-ba/studienprofil/
- Брошюра / инфо-материалы: https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/touristik_verkehrswesen/Studiengaenge/ITM_B.A/Tour_ITM_BA_Plus_6Seiter_2020_vorschau.pdf
- Учебный план / модули: https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/touristik_verkehrswesen/Studiengaenge/ITM_B.A/Curriculumstruktur_International_Tourism_Management_Bachelor_Plus_PO_2016-Hoch.pdf<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fachbereiche/touristikverkehrswesen/studiengaenge/bachelor/international-tourism-management-ba/ausland/<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/touristik_verkehrswesen/Studiengaenge/ITM_B.A/Lesefassung_FPO_2016_ITM_BA.pdf<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/touristik_verkehrswesen/Studiengaenge/ITM_B.A/HS_Worms_BA_ITM__Modulhandbuch__26-03-2018_Internet_.pdf<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/touristik_verkehrswesen/Studiengaenge/ITM_B.A/Studiengangsplan.JPG<br />https://www.hs-worms.de/fileadmin/media/fachbereiche/touristik_verkehrswesen/Startseite/SBWL.pdf
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International Tourism Management