Программа обучения Jurisprudence

Программа обучения "Jurisprudence" в Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


On July 1st, 2003 the law for the reform of the legal training came into force through the amendment of the German Judiciary Act (DRiG), followed by a new legal training regulation (JAPO) of the Bavarian regulators. The aim of these legislative measures is to better prepare legal training for the respective legal profession, in particular that of the lawyer. Legal training should be more professionally oriented and interdisciplinary right from the start.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Jurisprudence"

  • Уровень: Госэкзамен
  • Диплом: Staatsexamen
  • Язык обучения: Немецкий
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 10 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 300 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 152.30 / семестр
  • Правила приема: На основе конкурса
  • Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Jurisprudence"

Jurists who have successfully completed their training have a variety of career alternatives open to them, more than hardly any other academic training. In addition to the classic legal professions, such as lawyer, judge, notary, public prosecutor, there are job opportunities in administration (from municipal administration to ministries) as well as in industrial companies, banks, associations, insurance companies, and publishing houses. The occupational fields in international organizations (e.g. EU, UNO), political institutions and universities are less well known.

Учебный план программы обучения "Jurisprudence"

Structure of the course

The course is divided into a basic, intermediate and repetition and deepening phase. In the areas of civil law, public law and criminal law, the basic phase primarily comprises attending the respective basic courses and the associated acquisition of the basic course certificate. In the basic subjects, there is an introduction to the relevant basic subjects such as Roman legal history, German legal history, legal sociology and legal philosophy. A written exam has to be passed in one of these basic subjects. At the same time, an intermediate examination consisting of three written partial exams in the areas of civil law, public law and criminal law must be completed in the basic phase. In the middle phase, the material imparted in the basic phase is expanded and deepened. During the middle phase, the students should complete the advanced exercises in the subjects of civil law, public law and criminal law. In the middle phase, training in the focus area also begins.

The repetition and deepening phase is used to prepare for the exam directly, among other things. through exam courses, examinations, repetition and in-depth lectures. The focus area training, which runs parallel to the intermediate and advanced phase, serves to impart in-depth legal knowledge in the focus area chosen by the student.

First legal examination

The First Legal Examination is divided into a state part (First State Legal Examination) and a university part (Legal University Examination in the focus area) . The first legal examination is passed if both parts have been passed, whereby the overall examination grade of the First State Legal Examination with 70 percent and the overall examination grade of the University Law Examination with 30 percent are included in the overall examination grade of the First Legal Examination.

The First State Examination is divided into a written and an oral part. The written part consists of six five-hour exams that are written within two weeks. There are three exams on civil law, one on criminal law and two on public law. The oral exam covers all three examination areas of the written exam, i.e. civil law, criminal law and public law. The First State Examination in Law takes place at all examination locations twice a year (spring and autumn), with the exams being regularly written in March or September. The registration deadline for the respective examination date is one month before the end of the semester. Information can be obtained from the State Justice Examination Office, Justizpalast am Karlsplatz, Postfach, 80097 Munich, Tel. 5597-2590, homepage www.justiz.bayern.de/pruefungsamt

The Legal University Examination is taken in the focus area and is divided into a part that accompanies the course and a part that concludes. A seminar from the focus area with a written seminar paper (processing time six weeks) as well as an oral performance is required as a course-related service. As a final achievement, a written exam lasting 300 minutes is given.

Both partial exams cover the material of the selected focus area in their entirety.

Study-related examinations and performance certificates

To be admitted to the First State Examination in Law, the student must have successfully completed the Advanced Exercise in Civil Law, Public Law and Criminal Law. Furthermore, the student must take part in a foreign-language legal event or a legal language course and provide evidence of this. Finally, the student still has a three-month practical study period to complete during the lecture-free periods. The practical study period can also be completed abroad.

Admission to the exercises for advanced learners in civil law, public law and criminal law requires successful participation in a basic course corresponding to the respective subject area as well as passing the respective partial examination as part of the intermediate examination.

In order to be admitted to the specialization course with the possibility of taking partial examinations of the legal university examination, the student must have passed the intermediate examination and the basic courses in all three areas of law, as well as an examination in a basic subject. In addition, the student must successfully take part in a so-called basic seminar before he can be admitted to the focus area seminar.

Free attempt (so-called free shot)

The First State Examination in Law can be repeated once if it is not passed (Section 36 (1) JAPO). However, if an examination participant takes the First State Examination in Law immediately after the 8th semester after uninterrupted studies, they can repeat the examination a second time if they fail (free attempt, Section 37 (1) JAPO). The periods of maternity leave, recognized parental leave periods, periods of military service and community service as well as other periods of up to two semesters during which the student can be proven to have studied law at a university abroad or due to illness (to be evidenced by medical certificate) or was prevented from studying for another important reason. If the student has successfully completed a subject-specific foreign language training for at least 16 hours per week during the course of the course, the free attempt can be taken after the 9th semester (Section 37 (4) JAPO). Regarding the free trial regulation within the framework of the legal university examination, see § 50 PrüStuO.

Awarded the title of qualified lawyer

Those who have passed the First State Examination in Law will be awarded the academic degree of “Diplom-Jurist” upon request.

Preparation Service

Those who have passed the First Legal Examination can apply for a two-year state preparatory service (legal traineeship). During this time, the trainee lawyer is trained at the civil courts, the criminal courts or the public prosecutor's offices, the government or the administrative court, a lawyer and a so-called elective station. In some cases, training stations abroad are possible. The legal traineeship concludes with the assessor examination (second state examination in law) consisting of eleven five-hour exams and an oral examination. This acquires the qualification for judicial office, which is also a prerequisite for admission to other legal professions, e.g. the profession of lawyer.

  • Учебный план / модули: https://cms-cdn.lmu.de/media/contenthub/amtliche-veroeffentlichungen/1122-03ju-2012-ps01.pdf
  • Факультет

    Law Faculty
    Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

    With around 5200 students (as of 10/2018), the Law Faculty of the LMU is one of the most renowned and largest faculties in Germany. It has the lowest dropout rate and a top position in the exam results throughout Bavaria. These services do not include inter-faculty training, which looks after around 2000 students.

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