

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Undergraduate Winter Semester

Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) or power steering systems in vehicles consist of mechanical, electronic and information technology components. This makes them products of mechatronics, which today more and more complement those of pure mechanics and electrics / electronics. The degree program Mechatronics with the Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc.) imparts engineering fundamentals and solid interdisciplinary basic knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, complemented by key business qualifications. In addition to the specialization offered in "drive technology", "automation" and "robotics", students can also flexibly arrange individual focal points.

The Challenge for Team Players

The leading role of the German engineering and automotive industry is no coincidence. Their products are not only reliable like a Swiss clockwork. Above all, the technological edge is based on a high total benefit for the customers, which includes a variety of functions, ease of use, operational safety and service. This is only possible through the optimal interaction of mechanical, electronic and information technology components. Increasingly, therefore, engineers are being sought who can take responsibility for these areas as a whole.

That's what we stand for

The study program Mechatronics was conceived in 2003 directly as Bachelor study course. The experience gained from traditional courses of study was taken over and transferred to the modern Bachelor's degree program without any quality reductions. We stand for the fact that future mechatronics engineers made in Germany will also be the world leaders.

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