Программа обучения Physics

Программа обучения "Physics" в Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen


Students of physics should learn in their studies to recognize physical problems, to work on them independently and to critically evaluate the scientific literature. This includes, on the one hand, comprehensive knowledge of theoretical models and experimental knowledge and, on the other hand, basic skills in the application of theoretical and experimental methods. The bachelor's degree in physics is not only geared towards an academic career in physics, but is also intended to prepare students for activities in various professional fields.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Physics"

  • Уровень: Бакалавриат
  • Диплом: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: Немецкий
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
    Летний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 8 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 240 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 158.30 / семестр
  • Правила приема: Без конкурса
  • Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Physics"

The professional field for physicists is very broad. Many physicists work in basic research. This includes the various fields of physics, of course, but also other sciences such as medicine, chemistry, biology and engineering, where experimental setups or mathematical modeling are required. In the manufacturing industry (electrical engineering, optics/laser, mechanical engineering, medical technology, software) physicists work on the development, as well as in the supervision and training of employees in new technologies. In recent years, more and more physicists are finding employment in service-providing sectors of the economy (management consulting, banking/stock exchange, insurance). Because of the broad education, job prospects are generally very good.

Международный обмен по программе обучения "Physics"

You may choose to spend some time abroad as part of any study program. You should start planning it 12 to 18 months before your departure. 

Стажировки и практика в программе обучения "Physics"

A 5-week internship

Учебный план программы обучения "Physics"

The standard period of study is 8 semesters and the program comprises modules with a total of 240 ECTS credits; see also "Special features" below.

In the area of compulsory modules (174 ECTS points), the physics basic courses 1-3 (mechanics & thermodynamics; electromagnetism; optics, analytical mechanics, quantum mechanics), mathematics for physicists 1-4, and the physics practical courses 1+2 are offered in the first three to four semesters. This is followed by three basic modules in Theoretical Physics (Quantum Mechanics; Thermodynamics & Statistics; Classical Field Theory) and five basic modules in Experimental Physics (Astronomy & Astrophysics; Condensed Matter; Atoms, Molecules & Light; Nuclear & Particle Physics; Physics of Nanostructures). Within the fourth to eighth semester, the physics internship 3, the orientation internship and the bachelor thesis should also be completed.

In the compulsory elective area (66 ECTS points), supplementary modules, modules for interdisciplinary qualification and a specialization subject are taken.

Supplementary modules (EM) of at least twelve ECTS points must be chosen from suitable modules in natural science subjects (outside physics), mathematics or computer science. EM amounting to at least six ECTS credits must be taken from courses offered in mathematics/physics. Further EM with a scope of up to six ECTS credits can be freely chosen from the university's range of courses.

Superdisciplinary, occupational field-oriented qualifications (ÜQ) must be acquired to the extent of 24 ECTS credits (this also includes the internships from the compulsory area on a pro-rata basis with 15 ECTS credits). Further modules in the amount of 9 ECTS credits can be chosen especially from the offer of the Studium Professionale and the Forum Scientiarum, but also from the offer of specially designated modules from the Department of Physics and other disciplines.

The specialization subjects comprise 21 ECTS credits. The following specialization subjects can be chosen

  • Astronomy & Astrophysics

  • Astroparticle Physics

  • Biological and medical physics

  • Nuclear & Particle Physics

  • Quantum matter: superconductivity, cold atoms, quantum optics

  • Condensed Matter

  • Nanostructures & Interfaces

  • Scientific Computing

For more information on the subject, click here (e.g. arguments for 4-year bachelor + 1-year master, examination & study regulations, module overview, module handbook, information about the bachelor program, study plans, subject advisor, info for first-year students, etc.)

  • Учебный план / модули: https://uni-tuebingen.de/securedl/sdl-eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MzU0OTEyNjUsImV4cCI6MTYzNTU4MTI2MiwidXNlciI6MCwiZ3JvdXBzIjpbMCwtMV0sImZpbGUiOiJmaWxlYWRtaW5cL1VuaV9UdWViaW5nZW5cL0Zha3VsdGFldGVuXC9NYXRoZVBoeXNpa1wvU3R1ZGl1bVwvQmFjaGVsb3JNYXN0ZXJQaHlzaWtcL0Rva3VtZW50ZVwvTW9kdWxoYW5kYnVjaF9CU2Nfa3Vyei5wZGYiLCJwYWdlIjozNTU4fQ.dItkK95GHkwPrSdkNMr3-y8A37Wv_vj0gwUgWsa_bZk/Modulhandbuch_BSc_kurz.pdf
  • Факультет

    Faculty of Science
    Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

    The Faculty of Science of the University of Tubingen conducts research applying an interdisciplinary approach to current challenges of societal significance. The University offers a variety of majors and fields of study, combining traditional disciplines with modern and ambitious research fields. This strength in research also benefits the roughly 8.900 students of our Faculty. In more than 80 study programs they study the latest research results during the course of their studies.

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