Программа обучения "Political Science" в Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University
0 € / Семестр
Students of the degree programme in Political Science primarily study the organisation and functioning of political institutions, the agencies and processes operating between state and society, the complexion of governance as a function of state policy, and international relations.
Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Political Science"
- Уровень: Магистратура
- Диплом: Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Язык обучения: НемецкийАнглийский
Начало обучения:
Зимний семестр
Летний семестр - Срок обучения: 4 семестров
- Форма обучения: Полная
- Учебные кредиты: 120 ECTS
- Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
- Семестровый взнос: € 171.75 / семестр
- Правила приема: На основе конкурса
- Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1
- Минимальный средний балл (нем): 2.0
Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Political Science"
Political scientists find employment in the following areas:
- editorial departments of newspapers and publishing companies
- radio and television broadcasting
- public administration
- political institutions like the Federal German Parliament and the regional parliaments
- political parties, political foundations, labour unions and associations
- institutions for adult education
- market and opinion research institutes
- public relations agencies
- organisations for development cooperation
- universities and research institutes
Международный обмен по программе обучения "Political Science"
A stay abroad is also possible in the master’s course, but the short duration of the course limits the possibilities and requires good study planning. The Institute for Political Science offers numerous attractive places to study as part of the Erasmus program, which in the majority of cases can also be used at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Institute for Political Science Master’s degree. Due to the long application deadlines, however, a corresponding stay abroad must be organized in the first semester.
Стажировки и практика в программе обучения "Political Science"
The compulsory module Research internship consists of an accompanying seminar and (one semester) independent participation in a research project at the institute. The combination of seminar and practical format provides a theoretically and methodologically sound introduction to practical research work. The skills learned in the seminar are actively practiced within the project component. For project work, it is therefore advantageous to have successfully participated in the seminar beforehand, but accompanying participation is also possible.
Within the seminar, questions of the development and implementation of qualitative, comparative and quantitative research designs are discussed and methods that are particularly relevant in political science are learned.
The thematic range of the research projects offered extends from conflict and democratization research to research projects in the fields of internationally comparative state activity and foreign policy research.
Учебный план программы обучения "Political Science"
The Master’s degree programme in Political Science is intended for graduates of a Bachelor’s degree programme in Political Science who wish to pursue more advanced studies within a strongly research-oriented environment. The focus of the Master’s degree programme is on the theory-driven empirical analysis of democracies and governmental activity within a variety of political systems, as well as the comparative analysis of differing political systems, foreign policy, institutions, conflicts, and international regulatory policy.
The Master’s degree programme reflects the research focus and core competencies of the Institute for Political Science, in particular, the comparative analysis of political systems in general, and, specifically, of democracy and research on governmental activity, as well as conflict research and analysis of institutes. It provides students, through their choice of the modules offered, with the opportunity to establish specialisations, allowing them to develop their own individual academic profiles. Students will also actively participate in ongoing research activities, gaining insight into current political science research debates.
The courses of the master’s course are mainly held in German, but also in English.
Course Structure
The degree programme is divided into:
- Compulsory elective modules that provide an in-depth study of political science (four of the six modules must be chosen)
- A research seminar, followed by a one-semester research internship that is held during the course of study and is intended to broaden theoretical and methodical knowledge as well as to involve students in ongoing research projects
- final oral examination
- Master’s colloquium, and
- Master's thesis
Faculty of Philosophy
Heidelberg UniversityThe departments and Institutes of the Faculty of Philosophy represent a broad spectrum of disciplines studying human cultural development, from the earliest traces of human civilization to the present day. Thematically, the focus is on philosophy, history, the cultures and languages of Europe, the Middle East, South and East Asia and North America.
Методика оценки заявок
(1) If the number of applicants qualified according to § 3 exceeds the total number of available study places, the selection takes place in two stages.
(2) The pre-selection is based on the written application documents according to the following criteria and weighting:
- 1. Type, orientation and overall grade of the final examination, which is an entry requirement according to § 3 No. 2 (weighting 60%),
- 2. Conclusive reason given in the letter of motivation (weighting 30%),
- 3. Vocational training, practical work or other achievements that can provide particular information about the suitability for the chosen course (weighting 10%).
The assessment of the criteria according to paragraph 2 is carried out by the admissions committee on the basis of an assessment standard drawn up by it in advance. The commission evaluates the individual criteria on a scale of 0-15 and creates a ranking list.
(3) According to this ranking list, the best-ranking applicants are pre-selected up to that ranking list place which - taking into account an appropriate overbooking factor to compensate for a probable non-acceptance of study places - an actual occupancy of two thirds of the total for the Master’s course of study places available. In the event of a tie, Section 20 (3) HVVO applies.
(4) In a second stage, the next best applicants are invited to twice the number of places still to be allocated for a selection interview at the university. The individual applicants will be informed in a suitable form by the admissions committee about the exact time and place of the interview at least two weeks before the specific interview date. At least two members of the selection committee take part in the selection interviews. The selection interviews last at least 20 and a maximum of 30 minutes and should show whether the applicant is capable, motivated and qualified for the selected course and the desired profession. The conversation behavior is assessed with regard to expressiveness, the approach to the discussion of problems and the coherence of the argumentation.
(5) A member of the admissions committee must record the interview with the following information: name of the applicant, time, place and duration of the interview, the main questions and answers of the interview and the grade Paragraph 6. The minutes must be signed by the members of the admissions committee.
(6) The selection interview is also rated on a scale from 0-15. If the applicant does not show up for the interview without good reason, the interview will be rated with zero points. The applicant is entitled to take part again at the next possible interview or the next possible selection procedure if the university can prove in writing immediately after the interview that the applicant is not responsible for the non-appearance; in the event of illness, a medical certificate must be presented.
(7) A new ranking list will be drawn up among the participants in the selection interviews, whereby the result achieved in accordance with Section 4 (2) is assessed as 70% and the result of the selection interview as 30%. In the event of a tie, Section 20 (3) HVVO applies.
Полезные ссылки по программе обучения "Political Science"
- Сайт программы: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/de/studium/alle-studienfaecher/politikwissenschaft/politikwissenschaft-master
- Брошюра / инфо-материалы: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/politikwissenschaften/master.html
- Учебный план / модули: http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/md/politik/aktuelles/modulhandbuch_ma_politikwissenschaft_28_09_2016_a.pdf<br />https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/md/politik/Master/faq_master.pdf<br />https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/md/politik/faq_masteranmeldung_2016.pdf<br />https://backend-484.uni-heidelberg.de/sites/default/files/documents/2018-11/129_PO_Politikwissenschaft_MA_20160928.pdf
Записаться на поступление на программу обучения
Political Science