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University of Applied Sciences for Business in Hanover

Fachhochschule für die Wirtschaft Hannover (FHDW)

Ганновер, Lower Saxony, Germany

We are a private non-profit university with over 25 years of educational experience. Our focus is on business administration and information technology courses. Scientific training and professional qualifications always form a unit. Unlike at other universities, our students experience personal and individual support from our lecturers.

The quality and standards of the course are high. The bachelor's degree therefore includes 210 instead of the usual 180 credit points. Among other things, it offers optimal conditions for successfully completing a master's degree and, thanks to the high number of credit points, opens up access to a large selection of courses.

Would you like to get to know us? Visit us! Our open student advisory service takes place every Thursday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Top values nationwide

With its concept, the FHDW Hannover has been on the road to success since it was founded in 1996. This is not only confirmed by the low dropout rates, but also by the consistently excellent results in national university comparisons. Most recently in the evaluation portal 1st place in 2022 and 2021 and thus the second year in a row “Most popular university in Germany”. In 2020 and 2019, the students voted the FHDW Hannover the “Top University in Germany” via StudyCheck – in 2nd place respectively. The FHDW Hannover also always achieves above-average values in the CHE university ranking and is also in the absolute top group in Germany.

The study concept

A friendly campus, small seminar and study groups, individual support and close contact with companies even during your studies – as a private university of applied sciences, we combine excellent technical training with a high proportion of practical work. We therefore offer our students optimal conditions for a successful start in their professional future.

Centrally located, our modern, light-flooded building complex currently accommodates around 600 students who are completing their bachelor’s or master’s degree in one of the numerous courses in the core areas of business administration, computer science and business informatics. Two of our students are currently doing their doctoral studies (DBA), which we facilitate and supervise in cooperation with the Edinburgh Business School. Most of our 20 professors have many years of practical experience in business and ensure a first-class and at the same time demanding education.

FHDW Hannover – more than just studying. The concept summarized in a few words:

  • Intensive support: Each student has a professor as a personal mentor.
  • Bachelor with a high score: 210 instead of the often usual 180 credit points.
  • Exclusive master’s programs: We offer master’s programs that hardly any other university offers.
  • Extremely versatile: Our courses offer a lot of freedom of choice. Everyone can choose a focus that corresponds to their individual strengths and interests.
  • Starting a career included: We cooperate with over 200 companies in teaching and research.
  • International: Semesters abroad at our partner universities are optional in every degree program. Internships in foreign companies are also possible. And since the FHDW Hannover is an ERASMUS university, there are even grants for it.

The mission statement of the FHDW Hannover

FHDW Hannover is a private university of applied sciences. As a non-profit company, it is financed entirely from tuition fees, third-party funds for research projects and endowment funds. The FHDW Hannover uses financial surpluses in the sense of non-profit for the implementation of its research and educational goals.

FHDW Hannover expands the boundaries of knowledge through the use of scientific methods and new technologies with entrepreneurial spirit and social responsibility. In the interests of its students, it sees itself as a partner to business. The partner companies bear the tuition fees for particularly gifted and motivated FHDW students. They offer them practical applications for their theoretical knowledge and are involved in research projects.

Focus of study and research at the FHDW Hannover is applied computer science as well as all business and technical application areas that require comprehensive information technology control knowledge. As an independent teaching and research area, business administration supplements the information technology competence and itself offers a comprehensive range of courses with a focus on medium-sized businesses, the management of international companies, the insurance industry, in the areas of consulting and business transformation as well as taxation and auditing.

The FHDW Hannover consistently implements the requirements for the European higher education area in its courses. Their bachelor’s and master’s degree programs are modular, take into account the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and meet international quality standards. FHDW graduates are able to implement current knowledge in business and technical problem solutions, to participate in change processes in a socially responsible manner and – as graduates of the Master’s degree programs – to conduct independent research.

All professors are actively involved in the research and development projects. They pass on their knowledge to their students in a systematic and committed manner and contribute to the reputation of the FHDW Hannover through their publications. The FHDW Hannover recognizes the decisive contribution of the employees to the success of the university of applied sciences. It supports them by providing resources, delegating responsibility and creating freedom for creative, independent action. The FHDW Hannover sees the equality of men and women as an obligation. It promotes the compatibility of family and work or studies and takes into account the special life situations of all members of the university.

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