Around 10,000 students in five faculties at five locations in Hanover benefit from the diverse opportunities that studying at the Hanover University of Applied Sciences (HsH) offers. With over 60 accredited courses, the HsH offers an extraordinarily broad range of subjects. In addition to technology, economics and social affairs, the Hanover University of Applied Sciences also offers a wide range of media and creative courses of high quality, internationally recognized.
At the HsH, dual and part-time study models are offered to an above-average extent and innovative study program concepts and forms of learning are implemented. Small learning groups, application-oriented training, also in the field of research, as well as numerous further training offers for different target groups are further characteristics that emphasize this university in a special way. The HsH is now also an “open university”. With the opening of university studies to professionally qualified people, experiences from professional practice are transferred to university educational careers. The HsH supports this target group with specific programs in order to lead their university career to a successful conclusion.
The HsH is characterized by short study times and intensive practical relevance in teaching. This is also expressed by the fact that our graduates are met with a high level of acceptance from the business world. The inclusion of practical phases in the course enables students to gain professional experience and make company contacts during their university days. A special feature of the range of offers are the dual courses of study, in which company-based training is integrated into university studies.
With an extensive range of advisory services for students, the Hannover University of Applied Sciences aims to implement one of its primary goals: A more considered choice of course and an optimal orientation during the course of study lead to greater academic success and shorter study periods. The university offers a wide range of tutorials and subject-specific bridging courses to help our freshmen integrate more quickly and to bridge initial difficulties at the beginning of their studies. These measures are also aimed at increasing the proportion of women and better integrating our foreign students.
The five faculties of the Hanover University of Applied Sciences are spread over several locations within the Lower Saxony state capital. In addition to the central campus on Ricklinger Stadtweg in Linden, where three faculties are located, there is also the campus on the Expo Plaza with Faculty III. Furthermore, the Hanover-Kleefeld locations with Faculty V, Hanover-Ahlem with parts of Faculty II and the Bismarckstrasse location belong to the Hanover University of Applied Sciences.
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