HFT Stuttgart
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart (HFT Stuttgart)
Tradition and Innovation – key characteristics of the HFT Stuttgart. Founded in 1832 as the „Winter School for Building Craftsmen“, today the HFT Stuttgart offers a broad spectrum of accredited Bachelor and Master’s Programmes.
More details about HFT Stuttgart :
Our three faculties offer a total of 14 Bachelor and 18 Master’s Programmes. Our campus is located directly in the centre of Stuttgart, the business centre of South-West Germany.
At the HFT Stuttgart we specialise in teaching practical skills in small groups. 4000 students are taught by about 125 professors, who are supported by over 350 part-time lecturers.
Not only technical knowledge is taught, but also interpersonal skills such as team building and the ability to work on interdisciplinary projects. Integrated into your degree programme, you may also find practical study projects in firms and offices or possibly a study semester at one of our 70 partner institutions around the world.
The Bachelor and Master’s Degree system at the HFT Stuttgart offers you the right training programme and the best possible opportunities for your future career.
Useful information about HFT Stuttgart :
General Information:
Type: StateFoundetion Year: 1971
Total Students: 3738
Cost of education HFT Stuttgart :
Type: State
Most study courses are free and students have to pay only small semester fee for general facilities and transport ticket.
Semester Ticket: 181.40 EUR
Semester Ticket Details and Payment Info: http://www.hft-stuttgart.de/Studium/Studiengebuehren/index.html/de
Штудиенколлег для поступающих после школы
Выпусники школ (11 классов обучения) должны пройти предварительное обучение в Center for international Students Konstanz (Studienkolleg)
Записаться на консультацию по поступлению в
HFT Stuttgart
Contacts HFT Stuttgart :
Address HFT Stuttgart :
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart - HFT Stuttgart, Schellingstraße 24, 70174 Stuttgart, GermanyPost address HFT Stuttgart *:
Postfach 101452, 70013 Stuttgart, GermanySpecial address for post delivery
Contact Information HFT Stuttgart :
Phone: +49 (0)711 8926 2662
Fax: +49 (0)711 8926 2666
Email: [email protected]
Web http://www.hft-stuttgart.de/