international filmschool cologne
ifs internationale filmschule köln (ifs)
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia
The ifs internationale filmschule köln is an artistically and scientifically oriented training institution for media professionals. On the initiative of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, it was founded in 2000 as a non-profit limited liability company whose sole shareholder is the Film- und Medienstiftung. Their reputation as one of the best film schools in Germany is based in particular on the intensive supervision of the students, the outstanding teaching and project work and not least on numerous awards, including a student Oscar.
More details about international filmschool cologne:
The program profile of the ifs comprises the bachelor degree course Film with a focus on script, directing, creative producing, camera, editing picture & amp; Sound, VFX & amp; Animation and Production Design, as well as the international master's degree programs in Serial Storytelling, Digital Narratives and 3D Animation for Film & amp; Games. The courses are offered in cooperation with the TH Cologne. Further master's programs are currently in planning. In addition, there are extensive training opportunities for professional filmmakers, from costume design to masterclass non-fiction.
The focus of the programs at the ifs is individual and intensive care. For this, small numbers of students and a 2-year cycle form the organizational framework for admission to the course of studies. In teaching, the focus is on the connection of scientific-theoretical with design teaching and artistic project work. Film education is based on the principles of narrative film. The combination of professional specialization and interdisciplinary cooperation characterizes the training at the ifs. Students work together early on with all the trades involved in the production and make important contacts in the industry during their studies. An intensive cooperation with national and international teachers from media practice and science guarantees a first-class education for the students - also in an international comparison.
Courage and will for permanent development and change distinguish the ifs. Ifs receives continual impulses not only through its close interaction with all areas of the audiovisual media landscape, but also through the ongoing evaluation of its courses of study and further education. The focus here is on the media developments of the future. With this, ifs provides its students with an innovative media education that lays the foundations for professional filmmaking artistically and technically, taking into account and communicating new technological developments as well as their aesthetic and dramaturgical potential.
The ifs is u. a. Member of the International Association of Film Schools CILECT and maintains numerous collaborations with international film schools and universities.
Useful information about international filmschool cologne:
General Information:
Type: PrivateFoundetion Year: 2000
Cost of education international filmschool cologne:
Type: Private
Most study courses are paid, included education and some additional services.
Semester Ticket: 250 EUR
Semester Ticket Details and Payment Info:
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international filmschool cologne
Contacts international filmschool cologne:
Address international filmschool cologne:
Schanzenstraße 28, 51063 Köln, GermanyContact Information international filmschool cologne:
Phone: +49 (0) 221 920188-0
Fax: +49 (0) 221 920188-99
Email: [email protected]