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Karlshochschule International University

Karlshochschule International University (Karlsruhe)

Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Karlshochschule International University –or as we say: The Karls. We are a state-accredited university of applied sciences with approx. 650 students, 10professors and a network of lecturers from various industries and disciplines. As such, we see ourselves as an international and intercultural hub for collaboration and experience. With our interactive and (co-)creative approach to teaching and learning, we not only offer profound professional university education but also really focus on the critical thinking and the personal development of our students. Because only those who incorporate and embody responsibility in their management and in society, those who live it, can really make a difference. We stand for a new holistic way of (re-)thinking and (re-)doing.

University Facts & Figures

  • Officially recognized by the Wissenschaftsministerium (Ministry of Science) Baden-Württemberg
  • All degree programs (12 BA, one MA) are accredited by the FIBAA
  • FIBAA Premium-seal for all Management Bachelor Programs
  • System accreditation by the FIBAA
  • 10 professors, 4 honorary professors, approx. 80 lecturers
  • Approx. 650 students

Our academic profile

Our academic profile is characterized by our cognitive interest in economic and entrepreneurial activity. We assume that economic reality is constructed and staged by the actors through ascription, interpretation and negotiation of sense and meaning and that economic interactions are culturally and socially “hyperformed”. In addition to quantitative research, qualitative research methods are particularly important. In this spirit, we pursue an interpretative approach to economics.

We qualify young people for management and leadership functions in business and society. This includes, in addition to cognitive-theoretical knowledge (“rules”) and instrumental knowledge (“tools”), orientative knowledge. Orientative knowledge is the knowledge of ethically justified ends and goals. Orientative knowledge results from the construction of sense. Orientative knowledge means culture, reflected life. In this context, we are characterized by a cultural and constructivist orientation.

We adhere to the principles of academic self-administration and a participatory cooperation of everyone involved in University life. As an academic institution and as part of the scientific community, we are aware of our responsibility for the transfer of (applied) research to teaching and practice and for the compliance with scientific standards. In this context, we are prepared to build a profile and to set priorities in line with a quality-oriented further development of the University and for the benefit of its stakeholders.

Qualification goals, contents as well as teaching and learning methods are coordinated with each other and, as integral components of a didactic conception, offer students the opportunity to assume (leadership) responsibility on an academic level, in their profession as well as in society. The fact that, beyond conveying knowledge and teaching skills, the teaching staff are mentors for the students, are aware of their responsibility for the development prospects of the students and see themselves as a part of a community of students and teachers contributes to the above.

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