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Koblenz University of Applied Science

Hochschule Koblenz

Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Every year millions of people from near and far are drawn to the Rhine, especially the Middle Rhine, which is undisputedly the most beautiful on the 180 km route between Cologne and Mainz. The Koblenz University of Applied Sciences is exactly halfway. The Middle Rhine World Heritage Site is one of the warmest and driest regions in Central Europe - and also one of the most beautiful - at three locations - RheinMoselCampus Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus Remagen and WesterWaldCampus Höhr-Grenzhausen - and prospective students can choose between more than 70 courses. Bachelor's and master's degrees are offered, as full-time, dual or distance learning courses - from basic courses to specialized courses, the university has an attractive range of courses tailored to the needs of the labor market the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences is particularly attractive. The locations and departments conduct interdisciplinary research in two major research areas. The university has a direct impact on the region and works closely with companies and institutions. Students benefit from the great practical relevance of their studies; Graduates are often recruited before completing their studies. Internationality also plays a major role. Students learn foreign languages ​​and - if they want - go abroad to study or work. Numerous cooperation agreements worldwide make this possible. International students and guests enrich the colorful life on campus. Around 9,000 young women and men are currently studying at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.

Our central task is to educate students comprehensively and to equip them for the requirements of a globalized society and the changing job market. Mutual appreciation, credibility, openness and transparency are essential for us to act.


We see ourselves as a teaching and learning community. We see ourselves as partners for education and lifelong learning. We see diversity and diversity as enrichment and opportunity.

Profiling and goal setting

We want to distinguish ourselves through consistent and continuous quality orientation. Interdisciplinarity in teaching and research should be expanded as a distinguishing feature inside and outside the university. We are committed to a strong anchoring in and networking with the region. We support the international orientation in teaching and research.

Study and teaching

We impart scientifically founded knowledge and methods with a high and current practical relevance. A positive teaching and learning environment should serve the personal development of the students. We promote a culture of excellent teaching.

Research and Transfer

We conduct application-oriented and innovative research as a prerequisite for sophisticated teaching. We create research-promoting frameworks in order to make our greatest possible contribution to science. Through active knowledge and technology transfer, we strengthen the link with business and other cooperation partners.


The members and structures of the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences are service-oriented and open to future-oriented and sustainable changes. Personnel development is important to us in order to achieve identification, motivation and satisfaction of all university members. We strive for adequate quality management for our core processes. Equal opportunities and family friendliness for us prerequisites for organizational development.

We will help you successfully apply and come to study in Germany

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