Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Landshut (HAW Landshut)
Landshut University of Applied Sciences offers 34 Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in its six faculties of Business Administration, Electrical and Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Studies, Mechanical Engineering and Social Work.
More details about Landshut University of Applied Sciences:
We foster interdisciplinary skills and expertise
Our professors impart more than just subject-specific knowledge. They also promote social responsibility and commitment, and instruct students in rhetoric and communication. This is because these interdisciplinary skills make it easier for our graduates to enter the world of work.
We attach great importance to internationality
Landshut University of Applied Sciences maintains partnerships with universities and companies worldwide. Our students are able to gain experience with them on internships or study courses abroad. Our extensive range of language courses provides a strong foundation for this.
We are researching for the future
Light but strong materials, climate-friendly energy systems, optimum production logistics and the challenges of social change: at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences we are developing innovative and modern solutions. We cooperate closely with industry in the process.
Useful information about Landshut University of Applied Sciences:
General Information:
Type: StateFoundetion Year: 1978
Total Students: 5311
Cost of education Landshut University of Applied Sciences:
Type: State
Most study courses are free and students have to pay only small semester fee for general facilities and transport ticket.
Semester Ticket: 82 EUR
Semester Ticket Details and Payment Info: https://www.haw-landshut.de/studium/im-studium/studieren/organisatorisches/studentenwerksbeitrag.html
Штудиенколлег для поступающих после школы
Выпусники школ (11 классов обучения) должны пройти предварительное обучение в Штудиенколлег Кобурга при Университетах Прикладных Наук Баварии
Записаться на консультацию по поступлению в
Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Contacts Landshut University of Applied Sciences:
Address Landshut University of Applied Sciences:
HOCHSCHULE LANDSHUT, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Landshut, Am Lurzenhof 1, 84036 Landshut , GermanyContact Information Landshut University of Applied Sciences:
Phone: +49 (0)871 - 506 0
Fax: +49 (0)871 - 506 506
Email: info@haw-landshut.de
Web https://www.haw-landshut.de