With its broad and diverse range of subjects, the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich has great potential for innovative research and high-quality teaching – be it at the core of individual disciplines or in the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary combination of different fields of knowledge.
More than 700 professors and nearly 3,900 scientific staff are currently conducting research and teaching in 18 faculties. The study opportunities are enormously wide with approximately 190 study courses (without teaching profession) and numerous combination possibilities. Currently around 50,000 students use this offer, of which about 15 percent are from abroad. They see their studies at LMU as an investment in their future and springboard for their professional careers.
The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich is using its success in the Excellence Initiative to sharpen its profile as a research-oriented “universitas” in the coming years and to further expand its position internationally.
The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich is a public corporation with the right of self-government under the laws. At the same time, it is a state institution divided into a central area and 18 faculties.
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