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Macromedia University

Hochschule Macromedia (MHMK)

Munich, Bavaria, Germany

At the private Macromedia University, you can expect a wide range of courses with a focus on media, management, design and psychology.

The Macromedia University is a multi-campus university. The private sponsor is Macromedia GmbH, based in Stuttgart.

Other locations are Berlin, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart.

Mission statement

The aim of our university is to make students sustainable designers of digital change.

We want to train personalities who, with comprehensive media, interdisciplinary and intercultural competence, will meet the demands of our fast-paced society and shape the industrial and creative landscapes, the economic, cultural and social life of the future.

We also want to motivate our students to learn throughout their lives. We want to encourage them in their personal development and enable them to participate in society in a free, democratic constitutional state.

Train. Promote. Enable.

There is a word for this in English: empowerment. As a meaningful component, "empowerment" therefore shapes the name we found for the Macromedia University's performance promise: mPower.

In addition to this promise related to students, mPower has another dimension. It stands for the university's claim to shape the university's framework conditions in terms of organizational structure, resource management and corporate culture in such a way that they not only enable innovations, but also systematically promote them along sustainable growth criteria.

In the overall social context, we define ourselves as a service provider to our students, as a partner of the economy, of cultural life and as a corporate citizen. We demand appreciative feedback, the ability to accept criticism and fairness from our employees and structure our collaboration along the principles of competence, responsibility and delegation.

The following characteristics in particular shape the corporate culture of Macromedia University:

  • Knowledge-based and entrepreneurial
  • Innovative and creative
  • Partnership-based and personal
  • International and networked

We will help you successfully apply and come to study in Germany

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