Our university

The Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences is a young, ambitious campus university offering high-quality education and research. Our basis is a liberal-democratic basic understanding. A respectful and appreciative approach is our claim, which applies equally to all members of the university.

Responsibility and sustainability

We acknowledge our social, economic and ecological responsibility and the sustainability of our actions in all areas of the university. Respect for equality between men and women, persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses as well as the support of families wherever long-term duties are taken over by members of the university are a matter of course for us. Discrimination of any kind we reject and encounter.

Regional anchoring and internationality

We are cosmopolitan and tolerant, we promote the acquisition of international experience, intercultural competence and language skills of students and teachers. With many activities we offer an open university for the people in our environment. Internationally recognized degrees, diverse university partnerships and international projects are a hallmark of our university. At the same time, we feel particularly committed to our region. We maintain extensive cooperation with companies, organizations and administrations and strive for their continuous expansion.

Teaching and learning

We make a significant contribution to the personal development of our students in the sense of motivation, responsibility and professionalism. We offer a very individual and good teaching and learning environment with an excellent infrastructure and supervision of the students. The offer of high-quality training consolidates our good reputation in practice. The promotion of talent and career orientation are important parts of our actions. Successful graduates are our benchmark.

Research and innovations

We see ourselves as innovators. This is ensured through application-oriented and interdisciplinary research, knowledge and technology transfer, and research networks. Our research results provide impetus for the future-oriented further development of our degree courses, for the qualification and reputation of the disciplines as well as for the scientific and economic growth of the region.


Through committed cooperation, we promote the identification of our students with the university. We offer our teachers, researchers and employees a good and performance-enhancing environment. Performance and motivation of the students, teachers and employees as well as common goal orientation and communication cause comprehensive and high quality education and science. Studying, teaching and working at Nordhausen University is fun!