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Universität des Saarlandes

Universität des Saarlandes (Saarbrücken, Homburg)

Saarbrücken, Saarland, Germany

Overcoming borders is the signum of the Saarland University - borders between cultures as well as barriers between disciplines or traditional dividing lines between science, economy, culture and society.

The Saarland University was founded in 1948 as a bilingual university sponsored by France. It is internationally known for IT research and the nano and life sciences. The close relationship with France and the European focus are her trademark: The Saarland University is internationally shaped like hardly any other medium-sized German university. A special feature is the wide range of cross-border courses leading to a double degree or - in cooperation with a third foreign partner - even a triple degree.

Many departments of the university are closely linked in research and teaching. The scientists work intensively with universities around the world as well as with the researchers from the surrounding non-university research institutions. All major science organizations are represented on and near the campus, including two Max Planck Institutes, two Leibniz and Fraunhofer Institutes each, as well as a Helmholtz Center and a Helmholtz Institute.

University of Saarland Profile

Border crossing is a trademark of Saarland University – the boundaries between cultures, as well as the barriers between disciplines or traditional dividing lines between science, economics, culture and society.

Advanced Research

Computer science, nano- and biological sciences, as well as Europe, determine the profile of research at Saarlan University. The successes of computer science at the initiative of the federal government and the numerous internationally recognized projects financed from outside confirm the quality of scientific work across the entire spectrum of subjects.


Internationalization is part of everyday life on the campus of the University of Saarland, where people from different countries meet and study, teaching and research are clearly international. This “lively internationalization” can be seen, among other things, in many international curricula, a large number of foreign students and a lot of cooperative international work.

Quality of training and education

High-quality service, modern infrastructure and short distances on campus – Saar University offers optimal conditions for successful studies. In the further development of the teaching offer, he was one of the first universities to successfully complete the accreditation of the system. Ratings such as CHE prove again and again the quality of teaching and teaching in national and international comparison.

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