HTW Berlin offers over 70 study programmes in the areas of technology, computing, business, culture and design. It is the largest university of applied sciences in Berlin. Subjects range from classical disciplines such as mechanical engineering, automotive engineering and business administration to new and innovative study programmes such as facility management, economic policy and game design.
Rankings regularly confirm the high level of education provided by HTW Berlin. Great importance is attached to foreign languages and key qualifications such as presentation skills. To facilitate the transition into working life, the university’s Career Services department also offers specially developed training courses. Students wishing to complete part of their studies abroad have plenty of opportunities to choose from. HTW Berlin actively collaborates with 140 universities worldwide and has an established network of cooperation partnerships.
Research is a core task of HTW Berlin and a key success factor. Research activities connect the university with the professional world, scientific networks and companies, simultaneously guaranteeing a high level of quality in our study programmes and teaching. HTW Berlin’s researchers contribute their ideas, expertise and contacts to over 150 third-party funded research projects every year. Covering a wide variety of topics, these projects are generally carried out in cooperation with partners from industry. Many projects are specifically geared towards meeting the innovation needs of individual companies and industries or the development potential of the region.
The research agenda also includes topics that bundle a wide variety of specialist expertise and skills. It is only through interdisciplinary teams that integrated strategies can be developed, for example for a climate-friendly transformation of our energy supply, improved healthcare system, meeting the challenges of an aging society or the digitalisation of culture and society.
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