Merseburg University of Applied Sciences was founded on April 1, 1992, and as a center for applied research in the traditional industrial and cultural region in the south of Saxony-Anhalt, offers everything that is necessary for successful studies on a central, green campus.
There are 19 bachelor's and 13 master's programs available in the three faculties.
2864 students (in the winter semester 2016/17) 342 employees (September 2016) of which 109 professors (September 2016)
With Halle and Leipzig, Merseburg forms the city triangle rich in history, culture and science in central Germany.
The 1,000-year-old diocesan city of Merseburg, known beyond the country’s borders as a city of magic spells, is located in direct proximity to the state-of-the-art facilities of the chemical industry in Leuna and Schkopau.
At the University of Applied Sciences, teaching and research form a direct link between theory and practice.
In a wide range of undergraduate courses in computer science and technology, economics and social, media and culture with opportunities for special deepening, internationally recognized educational content is taught and university degrees awarded. A modularized degree program ensures flexibility and mobility in the European Higher Education Area. In addition to pure specialist knowledge, students can acquire skills that enhance their skills to become a professional and thus significantly increase their chances in the labor market.
The College perceives its freedom in teaching and research as responsible to society and the environment. The self-image of the university moves in the field of tension between economics and ecology, between technology and culture. It is involved in supra-regional initiatives, collaborations and networks in order to pool resources and exploit synergies. With partners from politics, economy, administration and culture, the development in the region is being driven forward. A significant factor in strengthening the business location is business start-ups by graduates. You are actively supported.
Acceptance and recognition give rise to a study- and research-friendly climate. The study is characterized by project and practical orientation. The own initiatives of the students are required; Compulsory foreign language training and versatile design options prepare the future graduates for the European market. In study and teaching, the interdisciplinary cooperation is promoted to meet the complexity of real processes. The graduates and the college are personalities who have proven expertise, creative thinking, responsibility and competence.
The name of the University of Merseburg combines excellent research in both subject and interdisciplinary orientation. State-of-the-art technical laboratory equipment, co-financed by industry, allows us to face the technical and multimedia challenges of the future. Improvements in corporate governance, social problems in the region as well as cultural developments form further topics, which are researched in close cooperation with the partners of the practice. The university offers its know-how from applied research and the technology transfer puts the results into practice.
The principle of lifelong learning permeates both the conception of undergraduate studies and the curriculum for continuing education. In a modular structure, diverse knowledge and practice elements can be combined into study units according to professional or personal needs. In order to update the individual level of knowledge, the university offers its graduates and other academics continuing education courses, separate modules and specialist conferences.
The campus location of the university offers space for encounter and relaxation, it promotes the open and creative climate at the university. The campus is a place for cultural encounters and sports activities.
The members see themselves as partners who treat each other respectfully. Equality between men and women as well as handicapped-friendly study and work are actively promoted. Openness and transparency, both internally and externally, enable the necessary communication through which science can act.
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