The University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt or FHWS is one of the biggest universities of applied sciences in Bavaria. On the following pages you find all important information about FHWS which is characterised by a broad, practice-oriented range of courses, but also by research activity, internationalisation, digitalisation and a comprehensive programme for continuing education. To get a first impression of FHWS you may want to have a look at our photo gallery, or watch some videos. You can get additional information from the facts and figures section, but also from our target agreements.
With the cities of Würzburg and Schweinfurt, FHWS has two locations in northern Bavaria. All our faculties and their degree programmes are spread throughout several buildings. You can see what is where on the list of FHWS sites.
With more than 9,300 students and about 200 professors, the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, or FHWS, is one of the biggest universities of applied sciences in Bavaria. FHWS was founded in 1971 with two locations which are successfull to this day – in the the cities of Würzburg and Schweinfurt.
FHWS’s ten faculties offer more than 40 bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. The broad and forward-looking programmes cover technology, economics, social sciences, computer sciences, visual design and language. Studying at FHWS is characterised by a particular orientation towards application. A practical semester, project work and a high share of practical work in laboratories and seminars underline the importance of a practice-oriented approach at FHWS. Students are being perfectly prepared for their future working life and the demands of the labour market.
The teaching standard is monitored by the Committee on Teaching Quality at FHWS where the deans of studies of all faculties and the head of the Campus for Professional Development work together chaired by one of our vice presidents.
Moreover, FHWS participates in the programme “Quality Pact for Teaching” by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project BEST-FIT is implementing measures aiming at increasing the rate of passed exams and thus reducing the rates of dropouts.
FHWS is also a part of “hochschule dual”, an initiative by Bavarian universities of applied sciences which offers a dual study programme, either as a combined studies programme (training + studies) or as studies with intensified practice (studies + integrated practical/internship phases).
At universities of applied sciences research is crucial to be able to teach the state of the art in technology and science and new technologies and scientific developments following the research activities of our professors are implemented into teaching. Research activities are undertaken not only in cooperation close to practice with regional companies and institutes, but also in national and international research projects.
In many FHWS laboratories students have the opportunity to apply to practice and intensify skills and knowledge previously acquired theoretically. Moreover, in six instituties of FHWS research is additionally fuelled. As part of the research map of the German Rectors’ Confernece (HRK), FHWS defines two main research areas: Energy technology and efficiency, and mobility and people.
FHWS focuses on internationalisation as its differentiation strategy and has set itself the objective of being an international university where students from many different nations learn and study together. To accomplish this, FHWS has introduced an award-winning model of degree programmes unique in Germany. There, bachelor’s programmes taught in English are offered as Twin-Programmes that are basically identical to their German equivalent. Thus students have the opportunity to switch between the degree programme taught in English an the one taught in German during their course of studies.
In addition, FHWS is part of a worldwide network of about 140 international partner institutions where FHWS-students can do a semester abroad.
Digitalisation is changing the world of work and will gain further importance in future. FHWS is embracing this development by its digitalisation strategy. It includes a view outside, that is towards its studets and imparting the related competence, but also a view inside, that is promoting digitalisation within the organisational structure of FHWS.
Additionally, FHWS is a member of the Centre for Digital Innovations Mainfranken (ZDI) which supports and encourages digital business start-ups.
THe FHWS Campus for Professional Development and Language Proficiency is cooperating with companies and international higher education institutions to offern an innovative and practice-oriented programme in different disciplines geared toward individuals, companies and members of staff at FHWS interested in continuing education.
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