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University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd

Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd (PH Schwäbisch Gmünd)

Швебиш-Гмюнд, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
The University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd is a dynamic university with an especially long tradition in teacher training, namely since 1825. Formerly a teacher's seminar, it now has university status with a broad range of courses, comprehensive research in many scientific projects with dissertations and post graduate work, as well as international networking in research and teaching. As a centre of educational competence in East Württemberg, the university is an important partner for the science and education community in the region, with around 300 staff in scientific and non-scientific services. In addition, it is an important employer in the area. Teacher training still represents the university's principal pillar and is of central importance for the supply of teachers in the region. In the last decade in particular, the university has extended its teaching and research activities to include other fields of education and has strengthened its educational profile through the creation of new Bachelor and Master programmes.

Thanks to its manageable size, the university in the east of the Stuttgart metropolitan region with its 2,800 students offers good, personal support. Students benefit from extensive opportunities to acquire additional skills through profile areas, extension courses, projects of research and application centers and modules of the university’s Staufer study model, which mean a qualification advantage after graduation. Through intensive collaboration with numerous training schools, public and private institutions, companies and over 40 international university partners around the world, students can test, implement and further develop scientific knowledge in practice in internships and projects at home and abroad.

With the Center for Knowledge Transfer (ZWPH) and the Institute for Continuing Education and University Didactics, the PH Schwäbisch Gmünd has set up professional facilities that offer part-time courses and scientific further education.

Scientifically sound
The scientists at PH Schwäbisch Gmünd research education and health in numerous basic and applied research projects. The PH is successful in attracting third-party funding and supports young academics with academic qualifications.

Close to practice – close to life
Studying at the University of Education in Schwäbisch Gmünd is practice-oriented. Right from the start, students can test under real conditions whether they have a job in the education or health sector and gain professional experience in their future job.

Personal atmosphere and good study conditions
Our university is manageable, you can find your way around quickly. The PH Schwäbisch Gmünd offers excellent support and advice.

Study in the countryside and still close to the big city
Schwäbisch Gmünd is ideal for students who appreciate a city with a historic city center and a campus in the middle of an attractive landscape with a high recreational value, but do not want to do without the cultural offerings of the nearby state capital Stuttgart. The living space in Schwäbisch Gmünd and the surrounding area is cheap.

Beyond the horizon
The University of Education is internationally active with extensive university and research networks. If you would like to complete part of your studies abroad, we will help you to find a suitable study or internship abroad.

Current issues and a sense of responsibility
With our current focus on health promotion, childhood education, language support, intercultural education and integration, STEM support and counseling and psychosocial development support, we face the challenges of the future. The PH Schwäbisch Gmünd actively promotes family friendliness, equal opportunities, diversity and sustainability.

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