The University of Freiburg, which has received numerous awards for excellent research and teaching, is one of the best German universities. Its success is based on the outstanding achievements of its scientists at all eleven faculties. Freiburg offers the whole range of subjects: from the humanities and social sciences to natural sciences and technical disciplines to medicine with the Freiburg University Hospital, one of the largest medical facilities in Europe.
Within the university, in trinational cooperation with partner institutions in France and Switzerland and on a global level: Creativity, team spirit and visionary networking are particular strengths of the University of Fribourg. They make it possible to find scientific answers to current and future challenges - with research and teaching as the driving force. Around 25,000 students find the ideal environment here for forward-looking, transdisciplinary studies that prepare them for a successful career in or outside of science and for taking on social responsibility.
The university, founded in 1457, is located in the middle of the city. As one of the best German universities, it has received numerous awards in nationwide competitions for its excellent research and teaching. The Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg offers its approximately 25,000 students a creative and inspiring environment in which they enjoy learning, researching and living.
The University of Freiburg has always brought exceptionally talented men and women to the city. Here they found ideal conditions to realize their research dream. 23 Nobel Prize winners have researched, taught and studied at the Freiburg faculties. The achievements of the University of Freiburg are regularly reflected in the national and international university rankings: It is listed as one of the five best comprehensive universities in Germany and is also among the top group globally – as one of the 100 top universities in the world.
The wide range of subjects at the University of Freiburg harbors great potential for innovative basic research – in the core of individual disciplines as well as in interdisciplinary networks. At all levels there are intensive contacts with other excellent universities and research institutions as well as with industry. The university has identified eight transdisciplinary profile fields that contribute to the international visibility of Freiburg as a research location and establish unique selling points. In teaching, around 250 courses, more than 20 of which are in English, offer room for innovative approaches. The students meet experienced teachers who bring their current research results into the seminars and lectures. Through the use of digital teaching and learning formats, teachers and students work together intensively and flexibly – worldwide.
The university pursues the goal of providing the best possible learning and working conditions, not only for studying but also for further education, since lifelong learning corresponds to its educational ideal. It lives the principle of responsible freedom of research and teaching in order to prepare future generations for challenging social tasks. Its goal is not just to impart knowledge, but to promote education and the development of independent and well-reflected personalities. The diversity of learners and teachers in terms of gender, social and cultural background, world view, disability, age or sexual identity is not only respected, but seen as an enrichment.
Today more than ever, the high standard in research and teaching attracts talent from all over the world. Freiburg, the sunniest city in Germany, is also popular across borders for its high quality of life and attracts countless visitors. In the shadow of the Freiburg Minster, picturesque old town alleys criss-crossed by small streams and lively shopping streets invite you to stroll. Lots of culture and history, lively cafés and popular open-air events characterize the attitude to life in the dynamic city with international flair and an extraordinarily young population. In this environment, the University of Freiburg sees itself as a source of ideas: it makes its research results publicly accessible and uses a variety of knowledge transfer formats to enter into dialogue with people from the city and region, to convey scientific knowledge and to absorb impulses from society.
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