for professional and academic self-determination and determining your personality type

Take the RIASEC Test online to determine your personality type and find out which professions are best suited for you.

The RIASEC Test is an essential tool for exploring both academic and career pathways based on your unique interests. In this test, you'll encounter a series of questions where your task is to answer each with a straightforward "Yes" or "No."

There are no right or wrong answers—just select the response that best aligns with your preferences, inclinations, and interests. By answering honestly, you will gain valuable insights into your dominant personality traits, which will guide you toward suitable academic programs and career options.

Upon completing the test, you will receive a comprehensive profile identifying your primary RIASEC personality types. Additionally, you'll be provided with a tailored list of academic majors and career paths that best match your results. This test is a great starting point for making informed decisions about your educational journey and career planning.

Start the Holland Code (RIASEC) Test now to uncover academic and career opportunities that align with your strengths and interests!